This is definitely a dangerous endeavor. The Mavic is essentially a vehicle and can be just as deadly if you think about it.
When automobiles first became mainstream there were hundreds of traffic accidents until society had time to develop and infrastructure(stop signs, speed limits, driver's license etc.) which allowed safe use cars. Also, there are no regulatory authority ensuring the mechanical integrity of these drones, thus you ultimately I are crossing your fingers that DJI "got it right" every time you fly this thing so that it does not fall from the sky. That is quite a bit of unmitigated risk which would be hard to defend in a negligence law suit. I realize drone to car analogy may seem absurd and exaggerated but helps to highlight the reality that there are minimal laws, quality controls, licensing, or general safe guards in place to govern the industry.
Those on these forums who insist on being a self appointed authority to scold pilots that "ruin it for the rest of us" are truly delusional to think that this will stop or slow down drone legislation.
^^All that being said- everything in life is a risk. 99.9999999% chance the mavic will function as intended and you will get some great shots. I would so go for it dude. Live a little. I have flow in several downtowns both the ground and from the top of parking garages and buildings and have gotten great shots.