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JPEG/RAW annoyance


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2017
You can shoot jpeg...or you can shoot RAW plus jpeg. Brilliant. Why this drone can't be setup to only shoot RAW is utterly beyond me. I appreciate that certain photographic functions can only be processed as jpeg, but why not have the common camera functions as RAW only?

After a shoot I import all files into Lightroom but that means I have multiple duplicates as jpeg. The "treat JPEG files next to RAW files as separate photos" function of Lightroom doesn't work as DJI produces the copy as an individual file - not a jpeg OF the RAW...which is doubly frustrating. When taking bracketed shots, the jpegs don't even line up as the corresponding file to the RAW, which is triply annoying. One can't just delete all jpegs as this will also delete the photos produced inside the drone as ONLY jpegs. Idiotic.

So here I am with a days shoot - 500 plus files, and I have to go through each one individually to determine which jpegs are duplicates and which are not.

Here's hoping DJI fix this in a future software update.

Btw, the RAW files produced by the AIR 2 are pretty muddy. A bit of a shame as that was pretty much the main reason I purchased it.

End of rant.
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Jpegs serve great as previews. I always look at them first to determine whether corresponding raw files are even worth processing. In particular, sharpness is easy to judge on a JPEG, but with DNGs you need to demosaic them first, otherwise you only get 1/4 resolution preview (which is usually insufficient for the purpose of determining sharpness).

Besides, it is pretty easy to sort the files by type and move jpegs to a separate folder. Within that folder, it is equally easy to sort them by size to find all your panoramas, if that is what you're after.
Have not used lightroom but just photoshop. I ordered the files by type and the jpegs would all go into a group that can be ignored.

Regarding MA2's RAW being muddy, I share your disappointment. This is the first time I see RAW having the same dynamic range of JPG. Upon opening the shadows, I did not seen any more details in RAW when compared with JPEG
Regarding MA2's RAW being muddy, I share your disappointment. This is the first time I see RAW having the same dynamic range of JPG. Upon opening the shadows, I did not seen any more details in RAW when compared with JPEG

I think the main problem is that quad-Bayer RAWs are not processed optimally at this point by the majority of image editing software. The good algorithms could well be still in development.
I think the main problem is that quad-Bayer RAWs are not processed optimally at this point by the majority of image editing software. The good algorithms could well be still in development.

I read from somewhere that the RAW produced by MA2 is not the true RAW but a converted version to make it readable by the RAW converters of existing photo editing software . The fact that the file extension is the generic .DNG instead of anything proprietary seems to support that.

The RAW of MA2 does not have advantage in the dynamic range department. Hope it has got finer color/grayscale steps commonly expected for RAW.
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I think the main problem is that quad-Bayer RAWs are not processed optimally at this point by the majority of image editing software. The good algorithms could well be still in development.
Fair point.

So what is currently the best editing software for demosaicing these DJI DNG's?
I read from somewhere that the RAW produced by MA2 is not the true RAW but a converted version to make it readable by the RAW converters of existing photo editing software . The fact that the file extension is the generic .DNG instead of anything proprietary seems to support that.

DNG is a standard format for RAW files, and I don't see anything suspicious in that... It is actually a good thing. The problem with processing I noticed is heavy maze-like artefacts visible at magnification, which seem to indicate that the demozaicing algorithm is still immature. I hope with time we will see some improvements in this area.

By the way, I found that MA2 48mpix RAWs look best if taken with 1 stop overexposure, it helps a lot in bringing out the shadow details. The highlights can be brought down to manageable levels quite easily.
By the way, I found that MA2 48mpix RAWs look best if taken with 1 stop overexposure, it helps a lot in bringing out the shadow details. The highlights can be brought down to manageable levels quite easily.

Thanks for the tip, worth a shot.
Fair point.

So what is currently the best editing software for demosaicing these DJI DNG's?

I wish I knew! I am using Photoshop most of the time. Someone on this forum once mentioned he was developing an algorithm specifically for quad bayer arrays, don't know if he was successful or not. Sony might have relevant patents and technologies, it is their sensor after all.
The problem with processing I noticed is heavy maze-like artefacts visible at magnification,

Such artifacts exist in JPEG as well. That means even the raw converter in the camera , which should be highly optimized for the sensor, cannot take them out. I wonder if anything can be done by third-party converters.
Such artifacts exist in JPEG as well. That means even the raw converter in the camera , which should be highly optimized for the sensor, cannot take them out. I wonder if anything can be done by third-party converters.

Yes -- the raw converter also runs software that makes use of currently available algorithms, not necessarily the best ones. Time will tell if they can be improved. The quad bayer sensor is very different from a regular bayer sensor, and I remember times when even the latter was often mishandled in cameras (most likely due to insufficient processing power).
You can shoot jpeg...or you can shoot RAW plus jpeg. Brilliant. Why this drone can't be setup to only shoot RAW is utterly beyond me. I appreciate that certain photographic functions can only be processed as jpeg, but why not have the common camera functions as RAW only?

As you shoot footage and get some miles under your belt, you'll appreciate the fact there is a Jpeg along with the raw as a backup! Backups are vital on a professional level.

My GH5 saves each shot to separate chips as a back-up, its a priceless feature.

Regards - Mike
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