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Just crashed/lost my MP


Dec 3, 2017
Any suggestions on what to do next? Was flying under a bridge in sight line, 15 feet clear in all directions. Lost signal briefly, when the screen came back on, it looks like it was rising and about to hit something. Then nothing. No signal. Assuming it hit underneath the bridge and dropped into the water. Also assuming they don’t float.
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Is the water shallow? I would be going for a swim....
Pretty much but if there’s a strong river or tidal flow it can get carried away, really depends on the conditions
By the way only do that if it’s safe and you are comfortable, as an outdoor swimmer I have come to get to know what my limits are, so be careful if you decide to try looking for it in the water, and sorry to hear about this, it sucks.
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All of the bad conditions at the same time. Metal bridge, blocking the GPS, messing with the compass, to close to ground/water messing with the down sensors, so drone started to rise and probably hit the bridge.
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Try finding a local scuba diving shop and see if you can hire someone to go diving for you. Even if it sunk to the bottom and with a relatively swift current it will probably get hung up on some rock or plant and may not have drifted too far. Sorry to hear of the loss though. Flying over water is always a risky proposition. I do it a lot and am always glad when my MP is back over land.
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why do people want to fly their drones under bridges? I don't understand it!
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