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Landing logic (Mavic Pro)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2016
Cascais, Portugal
If I put my Mavic Pro in a descent it stops at a some relative hight from the ground.

I then have to re-instate the descent input for some time befores it actually lands.

Does anybody know the in-depths of this operating logic?

(1) What this the exact hight at which it is supposed to stop?

(2) How long and how many new "Descend" commands must be inputted in before the landing phase is activated?

(3) If it is flying along 1 or both of the horizontal axis below the height in (1), above, does it initiate the landing phase?

The reason I am trying to fully understand this is because there's a very cool 4-mast school ship anchored about a mile away from our marina, I would like to fly there and film it. Some shots might be from just above the water for some dramtic effect and I would hate if my Mavic decided to land on water, through some inadvertent input.

Thank you for any replies.

If I put my Mavic Pro in a descent it stops at a some relative hight from the ground.

I then have to re-instate the descent input for some time befores it actually lands.

Does anybody know the in-depths of this operating logic?

(1) What this the exact hight at which it is supposed to stop?

(2) How long and how many new "Descend" commands must be inputted in before the landing phase is activated?

(3) If it is flying along 1 or both of the horizontal axis below the height in (1), above, does it initiate the landing phase?

The reason I am trying to fully understand this is because there's a very cool 4-mast school ship anchored about a mile away from our marina, I would like to fly there and film it. Some shots might be from just above the water for some dramtic effect and I would hate if my Mavic decided to land on water, through some inadvertent input.

Thank you for any replies.


The altitude is approximately 1.5 feet. You need to hold the left stick down to initiate the landing.

I would not suggest flying anywhere near that close to the surface of the water, for many reasons. It sounds like you do not have a lot of experience flying a Mavic, so I would recommend a lot more practice. Also, please read the manual. The landing process is described on page 56.
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The altitude is approximately 1.5 feet. You need to hold the left stick down to initiate the landing.

I would not suggest flying anywhere near that close to the surface of the water, for many reasons. It sounds like you do not have a lot of experience flying a Mavic, so I would recommend a lot more practice. Also, please read the manual. The landing process is described on page 56.

I have the experience. That is why I need more detailed info.

Thank you for your input, though.

basically the mavic drone has a form of landing protection mainly because it is very close to the ground
it uses the sensors to scan the ground and then decide if it is safe for it to land
sometimes if it doesn't like what it sees it will then tell you via the app screen that you should choose a different spot
also it can get confused when flying over water because of the changing reflections of the moving surface and in that case could just descend into the water
the biggest issue you have is the fact that at a mile away you will not be able to see the drone,
and will be relying on the sensors to avoid contact with its surroundings and as we know these sensors ,can be fooled over water
if it is possible you would be better off to get closer to your subject say a moored boat and then you will be able to get a better perspective of the object
basically the mavic drone has a form of landing protection mainly because it is very close to the ground
it uses the sensors to scan the ground and then decide if it is safe for it to land
sometimes if it doesn't like what it sees it will then tell you via the app screen that you should choose a different spot
also it can get confused when flying over water because of the changing reflections of the moving surface and in that case could just descend into the water
the biggest issue you have is the fact that at a mile away you will not be able to see the drone,
and will be relying on the sensors to avoid contact with its surroundings and as we know these sensors ,can be fooled over water
if it is possible you would be better off to get closer to your subject say a moored boat and then you will be able to get a better perspective of the object

Thank you for your useful input. :) Much appreciated.

I would like to have a more detailed description on how the landing logic operates.

As a professional pilot, I am used to read manuals and operating instructions.

I find the ones provided by DJI a bit lacking but am staring to wonder if anyone other then their programmers are in the know about the detailed logic.

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Thank you for your useful input. :) Much appreciated.

I would like to have a more detailed description on how the landing logic operates.

As a professional pilot, I am used to read manuals and operating instructions.

I find the ones provided by DJI a bit lacking but am staring to wonder if anyone other then their programmers are in the know about the detailed logic.

i very much doubt that DJI would want that info to be open source, or maybe they dont care and you could go on their tech forum, and ask them for the algorithms they use to determine how the info from the on board sensors is used to determine if its safe to land or not
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