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Litchi waypoint problem


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2018
I noticed yesterday a thread that mentioned the Mavic Pro stopping at waypoints on missions that had been run successfully many times before. Today I ran a mission where I had the same problem using a Mavic Pro Platinum and could only continue the mission by pausing and re activating the mission. It happened with the 4th and 5th also final waypoint in the mission. I then fly the same mission with a Mavic Air and it performed without a hitch. Is there a software bug in the litchi waypoint program that only effects Mavic Pros (Platinum)?
I had a Litchi mission problem on a Phantom 3 Std recently. Suddenly it stayed long on 1 wp. Failed to return home as it ran out of battery, but drone was recovered. I have flown the mission several times. (Trip from house to port to check my boat normally 11 min). I have not dared trying it on my M2Z. I think it's a Litchi problem.
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Hello, I can not confirm that fact. I also fly a Platinum and use LITCHI regularly. Only today a route with 30 waypoints flown without problems .
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Thanks Navig49 for your input. I will check my MPP to see if it is performing correctly.
I had the same issue with a Mavic Air (stopping dead at waypoints, skipping photos) as soon as I upgraded the firmware to .500. When I downgraded back to .400 the Litchi missions worked fine again. A problem with .400 is that it is storing low resolution coordinates (rounded to the nearest second) in the image EXIF fields so if you're mapping it will be a problem. To get around that I wrote some software to copy the accurate coordinates from the XMP fields back into EXIF fields so other software can read it where it expects it to be. The software link is located here Drone Air Utilities if anyone needs to use .400 with accurate locations.
I do not need the link yet. Also flown today with LITCHI again. However only one video was taken. With the photos, at the turning points, I have to test again in the future.
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