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Lose Remote Control Signal


New Member
Jan 28, 2018
When flying without seen my MP farther than 1,5 km usually I lose image and remote control signal, is this normal? What can I do for not losing signal with my remote control and image?
Normally when it happens, I proceed with RTH, Do I’m risking my drone when it happens? Norm
What is the terrain your flying in like? In forested/ hilly areas it isn't uncommon to lose signal 1-1.5 km out. One thing that helps keep your signal strong is to increase your altitude, you just have to be careful and not go so high that you would interfere with any manned aircraft. I always think that flying it out of range and than hoping RTH works is risky because eventually Murphy's law catches up with you and then your out of a Mavic. -CF
At the end of the day it knows where the start location is and once remote control is lost it should rth right? Why would it not RTH once signal lost?

And yes stay high up and set your RTH altitude high enough that you dont get caught up in anything.. I would like to know what causes a drone to fail to RTH once signal lost though. A technical reason. Lets assume you have satellites connected the whole distance of the journey, and have enough battery to return. Any ideas anyone?
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At the end of the day it knows where the start location is and once remote control is lost it should rth right? Why would it not RTH once signal lost?

And yes stay high up and set your RTH altitude high enough that you dont get caught up in anything.. I would like to know what causes a drone to fail to RTH once signal lost though. A technical reason. Lets assume you have satellites connected the whole distance of the journey, and have enough battery to return. Any ideas anyone?
If you read through the threads there tons of instances of people messing something up and the drone disappearing. Whether it's not waiting for the home point to be set, a sudden loss of satellites, or things like wind or other interference. It just seems foolish to me to fly it until all video and control signal are lost and then hope everything works, eventually your gonna get bit...
Soo many factors yes. And of course its not good to max out until loss of signal its asking for problems..

I am on a hill top right now in Brazil and was wondering if the rth altitude is distance from home point altitude or sea level? Im guessing home point altitude/starting altitude otherwise mine would dive down rather than climb because im quite high
And before anyone says anything, theres no aircraft here, only about 20 eagles and a big bkack Hawk which appear at certain time of the day. I go for a fly when they gonout of my inferior human eye sight lol.

Using a Spark and a Mavic Air both with controllers. Along with my S8+.

Spark went good first flight (no OTG because just doesent work with it), Mavic seems to show everything with the OTG nicely amd still havent flown. Just updated everything and lookong through all the settings at the moment. Any tips before going for a first flight appreciated. And also looking through the forums. Think ill turn off the obstacle sensors because i read that the sun can mess with it. Soo much to learn! Cheers guys and girls!
Soo many factors yes. And of course its not good to max out until loss of signal its asking for problems..

I am on a hill top right now in Brazil and was wondering if the rth altitude is distance from home point altitude or sea level? Im guessing home point altitude/starting altitude otherwise mine would dive down rather than climb because im quite high
And before anyone says anything, theres no aircraft here, only about 20 eagles and a big bkack Hawk which appear at certain time of the day. I go for a fly when they gonout of my inferior human eye sight lol.

Using a Spark and a Mavic Air both with controllers. Along with my S8+.

Spark went good first flight (no OTG because just doesent work with it), Mavic seems to show everything with the OTG nicely amd still havent flown. Just updated everything and lookong through all the settings at the moment. Any tips before going for a first flight appreciated. And also looking through the forums. Think ill turn off the obstacle sensors because i read that the sun can mess with it. Soo much to learn! Cheers guys and girls!
Yup, altitude is above take off point. Sounds like an awesome place to fly, you'll have to post some pics/video! The only advice I can think of is to have a pre-flight check, check that arms are fully extended, props fully seated, battery all the way in, and GPS locked on! Other than that just have fun! -CF
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