Really imrpessed by the smooth gradient of the sky.
The real issue I am exepriencing when stitching with PTGUI is the sky that shows darker areas between each image in the sky. I have tried to correct it using the vignet correction tool in PTGUI, also tried to edit each single image sky area exposure in th dng files, but at the end I could only limit the issute but not solving it 100%.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thank you
The real issue I am exepriencing when stitching with PTGUI is the sky that shows darker areas between each image in the sky. I have tried to correct it using the vignet correction tool in PTGUI, also tried to edit each single image sky area exposure in th dng files, but at the end I could only limit the issute but not solving it 100%.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thank you
Here are a couple of examples: