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MA2 Active Track 3.0 Minimum height


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2019
Many people post about maximums but, I was wondering what is the MINIMUM height to follow a moving vehicle in Active Track with the MA2?

So far, I haven’t had a chance to try it below 60 feet. TYIA
Many people post about maximums but, I was wondering what is the MINIMUM height to follow a moving vehicle in Active Track with the MA2?

So far, I haven’t had a chance to try it below 60 feet. TYIA
From the manual:

Using FocusTrack
1. Take off and hover at least 3.3 ft (1 m) above the ground.
From the manual:

Using FocusTrack
1. Take off and hover at least 3.3 ft (1 m) above the ground.

Thank you. I reread the manual now noticing this on page 18.

Curious.... has anyone tried this yet? I hope to try over the next week or so. It depends on weather and my health.
Thank you. I reread the manual now noticing this on page 18.

Curious.... has anyone tried this yet? I hope to try over the next week or so. It depends on weather and my health.

So I know this may be a late reply, but I actually just experienced this issue for the first time on Sunday. Apparently the AutoTrack will differentiate between vehicles and people. With people, I have been able to have the drone hover as low as 3' from the ground (if not lower), however when following a VEHICLE, and I was being told "minimum flight altitude has been reached" when trying to fly below 20'. I'm certain that the minimum height is still below this, but due to being offroad in a dense canopy, I couldn't fly any highter than this.

This made autotrack in the woods IMPOSSIBLE as the trees prevent you from reaching the desired altitude for following a vehicle. DJI should really allow this to autotrack at a lower altitude, but I understand WHY they have it disabled by default (avoiding oncoming traffic). However, people (like me) will be using this drone offroad where there is no risk of oncoming traffic, and flying low is imperative to the proper following.
So I know this may be a late reply, but I actually just experienced this issue for the first time on Sunday. Apparently the AutoTrack will differentiate between vehicles and people. With people, I have been able to have the drone hover as low as 3' from the ground (if not lower), however when following a VEHICLE, and I was being told "minimum flight altitude has been reached" when trying to fly below 20'. I'm certain that the minimum height is still below this, but due to being offroad in a dense canopy, I couldn't fly any highter than this.

This made autotrack in the woods IMPOSSIBLE as the trees prevent you from reaching the desired altitude for following a vehicle. DJI should really allow this to autotrack at a lower altitude, but I understand WHY they have it disabled by default (avoiding oncoming traffic). However, people (like me) will be using this drone offroad where there is no risk of oncoming traffic, and flying low is imperative to the proper following.
In my experiments with my dual sport motorcycle, it will follow you lower. In one case I went through a corner with a small hill with a barbed wire fence on the edge of the inside corner. The drone tried to make a beeline right to me by cutting the corner, getting a few feet off the ground in the process. But once it encountered the fence it paused due to its collision avoidance. I had to manually bring it back in and restart the Activetrack.

In general I found that having it try to follow you through even a sparsely populated forest while on a motorcycle is a fruitless exercise. As it encounters each tree, it will slow down enough that it will lose the Activetrack lock. Your best bet is an open road without other obstacles to occlude the drones view of you. I just posted some results with my motorcycle yesterday here:
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