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Mac polluting SD card with hidden junk?

Xtreme Drone Pilot

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2017
United States
Whenever I plug in Mavic's SD card (or any other card for that matter) or connect to it via Assistant on a Mac, Mac OS X puts hidden files from Spotlight and Trash Bin on it; also, photos and videos in DCIM folder get hidden ._*** copies. I tried disabling indexing in Spotlight for the card, but it doesn't remember it.

On one hand, these files are invisible, unless you enable viewing hidden files. But I just hate that this junk is there! Windows doesn't do that. And I'm embarassed every time I take a USB stick/SD card to print shop and they insert it into printer and it shows all this junk and they have to go through it to find my file to print.

Anyone know solution?

Used to be a big Apple fan, but more and more I see that it's a pretty chocolate-covered apple with **** inside. :confused:
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Why should you be embarrassed. They're hidden files. Those files should be hidden for them too.
Why should you be embarrassed. They're hidden files. Those files should be hidden for them too.

First, I always have hidden files show because I want to see what's going on in the file system. Windows keeps it clean, Mac is full of junk.

As for printing machines, all I usually go to (Staples, Office Depot, UPS Store) show all this junk.
On one hand, these files are invisible, unless you enable viewing hidden files. But I just hate that this junk is there! Windows doesn't do that. And I'm embarassed every time I take a USB stick/SD card to print shop and they insert it into printer and it shows all this junk and they have to go through it to find my file to print.

Anyone know solution?

One man's "junk" is another man's gold. The whole purpose of indexing is to find files fast. The hidden files work to do this even if they're invisible. The "solution" is to use them as intended; keep them hidden; search for the file you want at the print house rather than "go through all this junk".
Try adding the volume to Spotlight's Privacy tab in its preference pane - that might work. As an alternative, create a .metadata_never_index file on your memory card's root from within terminal:

touch /Volumes/your_volume_name/.metadata_never_index

then protect the file by running

chmod 444 /Volumes/your_volume_name/.metadata_never_index

Yeah, I know - not ideal, you want to avoid hidden files so what are you asked to do? Create yet another hidden file... at least it's only done once though.
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