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magnetic interference/check app is all i get From my new mavic2pro

frank candor

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2017
Denver co
trying to start up the Mavic2 Pro and i just get magnetic interference and check app on the controller and it won't link with the app? it's been a year + since i did this:rolleyes:
Are you near metal? do you have anything magnetic on? (bracelet, smartwatch, smart cover)
Also have you done ALL the updates?
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try going outside and away from metal (a lot of metal stuff indoors) -- if you are outside, try steering clear of power lines, metal tables, stuff like that. I had the same issue initially and once I moved to a different location it remedied itself. Worth a shot!
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Thanks! tried from the place i've been flying mavicpro from successfully for a year now, looks like i gotta borrow the assistant/no prompts from app and no i haven't "registered" it with DJI yet? i keep trying to refresh myself on first flights and can't find nuthin
go into settings and set up your Drone's compass... it will walk you through it. I had the same issue and this is all I had to do to get rid of it. You can thank me later. :)
Go outside away from interference and calibrate the compass on the app.

Mine game in need of calibrating.
i can't get new bird activated, remote just scrolls; mag warning/ check app, never a connection, from bird to phone, gimbal moves, took a picture, (downloaded it via usb ), but it leaves me hanging at this," choose my next step page",( which isn't supposed to display if aircraft already connected)
i can't get new bird activated, remote just scrolls; mag warning/ check app, never a connection, from bird to phone, gimbal moves, took a picture, (downloaded it via usb ), but it leaves me hanging at this," choose my next step page",( which isn't supposed to display if aircraft already connected)
The magnetic interference warning means one of two things.
Either the compass is warning you of a substantial piece of steel or live electric current close by .... or ... there is a problem with the compass.
A disconnected or malfunctioning compass can produce the same magnetic interference warning in the app.
If you are clear of any steel, reinforced concrete, live cables etc, check the Sensors section of the app settings and see what it's telling you about the compass.
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i'm flyin my MP just fine, the M2P won't connect to the app,so i can't activate it(which is in little tiny print, once, in the manual which i never got much good out of anyway) and i can't get in to the settings to do calibrations, Thank You.
I"M sending a requested video to DJI,....cuz i'm not 'splainin it right:oops:
i'm flyin my MP just fine, the M2P won't connect to the app,so i can't activate it(which is in little tiny print, once, in the manual which i never got much good out of anyway) and i can't get in to the settings to do calibrations, Thank You.
I"M sending a requested video to DJI,....cuz i'm not 'splainin it right:oops:

I'm getting that you can't get your phone to connect which is the real problem. Have you updated the Go4App? Try uninstalling the old app from your phone and reinstalling it from the playstore. If that doesn't help, when you get home uninstall the DJI Assistant 2 app on your computer, redownload it from DJI (there's a new version) and connect your drone. Update your firmware, if prompted and make sure that you update your controller and batteries. To summarize, update all of your apps and programs on your phone and computer, update the firmware on your drone, controller and batteries. Calibrate your compass before your first flight. If you still have problems, contact DJI.
I'm getting that you can't get your phone to connect which is the real problem. Have you updated the Go4App? Try uninstalling the old app from your phone and reinstalling it from the playstore. If that doesn't help, when you get home uninstall the DJI Assistant 2 app on your computer, redownload it from DJI (there's a new version) and connect your drone. Update your firmware, if prompted and make sure that you update your controller and batteries. To summarize, update all of your apps and programs on your phone and computer, update the firmware on your drone, controller and batteries. Calibrate your compass before your first flight. If you still have problems, contact DJI.
Thank You! I've done everything but the DJI Assistant 2 app redownload, here goes!
Thank You! I've done everything but the DJI Assistant 2 app redownload, here goes!

Good Luck! I uninstalled it completely from my computer and downloaded it from DJI fresh. The only other thing that bothers me is that you aren't getting anything on your phone when it's connected. No offense but have you tried a different cord? Try the USB A connection on the controller to your phone instead of the short cable. Oh and again no offense but you don't have two cords plugged in by chance, do you? You don't have the Litchi app running either, right? I'd close all apps on your phone and try it again letting the controller find the app itself upon powering up. Then you HAVE to register with DJI so if you tried to skip that step...
Good Luck! I uninstalled it completely from my computer and downloaded it from DJI fresh. The only other thing that bothers me is that you aren't getting anything on your phone when it's connected. No offense but have you tried a different cord? Try the USB A connection on the controller to your phone instead of the short cable. Oh and again no offense but you don't have two cords plugged in by chance, do you? You don't have the Litchi app running either, right? I'd close all apps on your phone and try it again letting the controller find the app itself upon powering up. Then you HAVE to register with DJI so if you tried to skip that step...
WELL.Hail.. i couldn't find the old version to uninstall.... is that why after 4 tries i cannot get DJI assistant 2 to install? and this Horndis Android tether thing i can't see why i need, it but i installed it, too. my anker cord works fine when i fly the ol' mavic a minute earlier, and it's in the A slot, no litchi, and i'm Not trying to Not register:) definitely not much at tech... it's a wonder i've flown anything but a kite!!
WELL.Hail.. i couldn't find the old version to uninstall.... is that why after 4 tries i cannot get DJI assistant 2 to install? and this Horndis Android tether thing i can't see why i need, it but i installed it, too. my anker cord works fine when i fly the ol' mavic a minute earlier, and it's in the A slot, no litchi, and i'm Not trying to Not register:) definitely not much at tech... it's a wonder i've flown anything but a kite!!

Okay... I'm not sure. On the windows page, there's a search bar that you can type "DJI" into and it'll show any apps on your computer with that name. If you are on DJI's webpage and you went to Mavic 2 support/ downloads, clicked on DJI Assistant 2 and can't get it to load, then I'm not sure what to say. Did you update the drone's firmware? If not, that is job one.

HMMM... I wonder if your drone somehow wasn't paired correctly with your controller? Turn on the controller. Turn on the mavic. Press C1, C2 and record at the same time and the controller will say "BINDING". Then press the small button under the cover on the right side of the drone. They should then pair. This is a longshot as I still believe that you have a problem with firmware. The only way to fix this is to use DJI Assistant 2. Use the USB C cord that came with it, hook it up and turn it on once you have the new version of DA2 installed.

I know that the Mavic Pro worked with X,Y and Z but when I'm faced with a technical problem, I eliminate the small, easy things first. Trying a different device- phone or tablet. Restarting your devices. Closing all other apps. Trying a different cord or two is VERY easy. Uninstalling EVERY DJI app from your devices and reinstalling them is very easy. Make sure everything is completely charged up. It can be frustrating but be methodical and don't be stubborn! That's a problem I sometimes have. I convince myself that it can't be X,Y,or Z and refuse to try it. Sometimes I'm wrong...

Lastly, if you flip the mode slider on the side of the controller up and down a few times real fast, the drone will enter compass calibration. You can then do the calibration dance, spinning the drone 360 flat and then 360 on it's side. Maybe that will get you past the first screen.
Thank You! i'm a simple manual laborer,trying to expand and challenge myself! (really)... i forgot to mention that the drones gimbal responded to inputs and i made a short video and took a picture that i downloaded VIA USB cable, it was weirdly slow motion and stuttering after watching it a few times, then uploading it to google drive it plays Fine now, (maybe i should free up more than 8G on my computer:confused:?) i sent a video to DJI of the failed start up; they told me that can't view it, i looked at it from my mail; and it was fine??
off to go pick apples and clean up a garden, Thanks again! i'll try your other suggestions!
(flashing back to the 3 times i had to send my P3 controller in for repair :rolleyes:)
Thank You! i'm a simple manual laborer,trying to expand and challenge myself! (really)... i forgot to mention that the drones gimbal responded to inputs and i made a short video and took a picture that i downloaded VIA USB cable, it was weirdly slow motion and stuttering after watching it a few times, then uploading it to google drive it plays Fine now, (maybe i should free up more than 8G on my computer:confused:?) i sent a video to DJI of the failed start up; they told me that can't view it, i looked at it from my mail; and it was fine??
off to go pick apples and clean up a garden, Thanks again! i'll try your other suggestions!
(flashing back to the 3 times i had to send my P3 controller in for repair :rolleyes:)

I hope you get it going. Also I said this but make sure you don't have the short cord plugged in. The controller comes with the Apple cord installed on the side port. If you try to plug in another cord at the bottom, neither cord will work. To me your main problem is the lack of picture on your phone. Please check the side port for the cord.
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I hope you get it going. Also I said this but make sure you don't have the short cord plugged in. The controller comes with the Apple cord installed on the side port. If you try to plug in another cord at the bottom, neither cord will work. To me your main problem is the lack of picture on your phone. Please check the side port for the cord.
Lon, Thank you Again!
For finally getting it thru my HEAD by Hammering Occam's razor into IT,
i can't explain it other than the teeter-toter than pile drove me into the ground feet first when was 7 (TBI) and possibly poor reading and comprehension skills, (gotta Show this IDiot! take me by the hand .......:rolleyes:) AND I"M REALLY SORRY I WASTED ANYONE'S TIME!
Lon, Thank you Again!
For finally getting it thru my HEAD by Hammering Occam's razor into IT,
i can't explain it other than the teeter-toter than pile drove me into the ground feet first when was 7 (TBI) and possibly poor reading and comprehension skills, (gotta Show this IDiot! take me by the hand .......:rolleyes:) AND I"M REALLY SORRY I WASTED ANYONE'S TIME!

No problem, I'm glad you got it. I kept thinking that was the problem. In any case, if there's anything else don't hesitate to ask.
Did you ever get it fixed? I am having the same issue. After about 15 mins into my flight I keep getting magnetic interference. I am flying exactly where I flew my platinum. When I try to recalibrate it keeps failing, no mater where I move to.
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