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Mavic 2 Pro Using Litchi; Orientation Change on Second Mission


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
Minneapolis, MN
I was flying a 37 waypoint mission with photos at almost every waypoint. This is the second time I flew this mission. This first mission was just as expected, collected shots exactly like Virtual Litchi Mission V1.0.4 app showed it would.
One month later I go to fly and I need to recalibrate the compass. This happens a lot with the M2Pro, so I thought nothing of it. Recalibration successful. Then I got a magnetic interference warning, so I moved the takeoff table away from two cars and no issue. As it flew the second mission, it hit all the waypoints as expected, but the aircraft was cocked about 10 degrees left, consistently at all the waypoints. I have not had a chance to refly this, as I am only allowed one flight per month.
I think possibly recalibrate the IMU and the gimbal before the next trip?
The first file is from the first mission, the second file from the second mission. These are supposed to be identical. The third file is from the Virtual Mission, which matches the first (desired) shot.


  • DJI_0017.JPG
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  • DJI_0017.JPG
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  • Photo 17 from Graco Expansion from Litchi Virtual Mission.JPG
    Photo 17 from Graco Expansion from Litchi Virtual Mission.JPG
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I learned a lot about compass calibration on the PP Forum, I actually posted on a thread that Meta4 stated you don't need to this compass dance before every flight. I didn't believe him and stated, I'm going to do it.

As time went on, I finally figured out why everything he had been telling others was correct.

Other than that, I very impressed with all of his posts.

This is what caught my attention. 👌

"One month later I go to fly and I need to recalibrate the compass. This happens a lot with the M2Pro, so I thought nothing of it. Recalibration successful. Then I got a magnetic interference warning, so I moved the takeoff table away from two cars and no issue."

Rod ..
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I learned a lot about compass calibration on the PP Forum, I actually posted on a thread that Meta4 stated you don't need to this compass dance before every flight. I didn't believe him and stated, I'm going to do it.

As time went on, I finally figured out why everything he had been telling others was correct.

Other than that, I very impressed with all of his posts.

This is what caught my attention. 👌

"One month later I go to fly and I need to recalibrate the compass. This happens a lot with the M2Pro, so I thought nothing of it. Recalibration successful. Then I got a magnetic interference warning, so I moved the takeoff table away from two cars and no issue."

Rod ..
Thank you so much for the response and pointing me to Sar104’s analysis and explanation. This is extremely helpful, hopefully for many.
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Thank you so much for the response and pointing me to Sar104’s analysis and explanation. This is extremely helpful, hopefully for many.
THANK YOU! for telling me that.
I'm a Litchi nut and if you won't more intel about what your bird thinks. :rolleyes:

Look at this thread, I understand about 25%, the funny part is some of my friends a grew up with, well a few don't have a smart phone. My dad (add 26) to my age is way beyond them.

Rod ..
I've got a Mavic 2 Zoom and figured out shortly after getting it that if I try to takeoff from concrete or anything with steel in it or nearby, it will prompt for calibration. I ordered a collapsible hoop type takeoff/landing pad and now always takeoff from the lawn or dirt area, and haven't needed to calibrate for several years. If you need to calibrate the compass all the time, your doing something wrong and will have a major crash at some point when the drone isn't in the orientation it thinks it is. Don't takeoff near metal or anything that may have metal in it, and your calibrate prompts should go away. It may help your litchi mission as well.
I've got a Mavic 2 Zoom and figured out shortly after getting it that if I try to takeoff from concrete or anything with steel in it or nearby, it will prompt for calibration. I ordered a collapsible hoop type takeoff/landing pad and now always takeoff from the lawn or dirt area, and haven't needed to calibrate for several years. If you need to calibrate the compass all the time, your doing something wrong and will have a major crash at some point when the drone isn't in the orientation it thinks it is. Don't takeoff near metal or anything that may have metal in it, and your calibrate prompts should go away. It may help your litchi mission as well.
Thank you. This is helpful.
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