I recently purchased a New
Mavic 3 Pro Cine from Best Buy. At first start up everything worked fine but after updating firmware the screen rotates CCW 90 degrees after selecting “Before You Fly” and the only way to get it to flip back is to go back to Home Screen and select settings. I tried everything with DJI with no success; then I returned to Best Buy for an another new DJI
Mavic 3 Pro Cine. Once again the same issue occurred. Went through same exercise and returned to Best Buy. Now on the third one and the same problem exists. Anyone else seeing this issue?
Your issue is clearly related to the RC Pro FW and its settings, and not the drone. Exchanging the drone won't change anything, nor will exchanging the RC Pro hardware, since this is now a reproducible FW and settings issue on three different new RC Pro hardware units.
Have you contacted DJI Support regarding the issue, and had them escalate your issue to the "relevant team" for further evaluation?
I have two RC Pro units myself and have never experienced the issue, but I have also not updated the RC Pro FW on either in quite a while. No need. The
Mavic 3 Cine is a very old drone, despite being new. It's FW should be fully mature by now
What FW version do you have installed on it, when was that version released, and what version did it come with out of the box?
At the very least, by the third unit, I would NOT have updated the RC Pro FW, and would have flown it without updating. Then, you would have even more proof of a FW bug in the most recent FW version that you keep updating to. What is in the most recent FW that is so important anyway?
I'm also not clear on how serious of a problem this actually is, while you get it sorted out with DJI. If it always boots up in portrait mode and you can immediately change it back to landscape mode in Settings,
and it stays in landscape mode until you reboot, that sounds to me like a very minor inconvenience, and certainly not a big deal worth replacing three units over to no avail.