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Mavic 3 pro waypoint ignore no transmission RTH?


New Member
Nov 29, 2017
Is there a way to disable the “no transmission” RTH? Sometimes when flying my waypoint missions, it would trigger a RTH because the transmission signal was lost. I know the waypoints and where the drone will be going and I don’t want it to RTH when it starts losing connection at one leg of the mission. I already have the “no signal” option set to continue for the waypoint setting and when it does lose connection it will continue through the whole mission. But the no transmission RTH sometimes will trigger right at the edge of when the signal is about to be lost when it’s flying behind a hill, which I don’t want it to do.
Unless you are flying in the EU isn't there somewhere in the app menu where you can select "continue" to achieve just that result ? Though I might be thinking of the wrong drone.
But be warned, there are several threads in here that demonstrate the risks of such flights when coupled to bad route planning.
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Is there a way to disable the “no transmission” RTH? Sometimes when flying my waypoint missions, it would trigger a RTH because the transmission signal was lost. I know the waypoints and where the drone will be going and I don’t want it to RTH when it starts losing connection at one leg of the mission. I already have the “no signal” option set to continue for the waypoint setting and when it does lose connection it will continue through the whole mission. But the no transmission RTH sometimes will trigger right at the edge of when the signal is about to be lost when it’s flying behind a hill, which I don’t want it to do.
I have some very bad news for you about the DJI Mini 3, and I wish someone had told me this fact before I bought a Mini 3 with the pricey Extra Battery. The Mini 3, unlike the Mini 4 or the Mavic 3, does NOT store waypoint GPS data onboard, and thus CANNOT complete a waypoint mission once connectivity to the RC controller is interrupted for more than a few seconds.

When I bought my Mini 3, I was so dazzled by the phenomenal 35 minutes flight time that is possible with the Extra Battery, that I hit the "buy" button WITHOUT making sure that the Mini 3 could complete waypoint missions beyond signal range. Since beyond RC range Litchi waypoint missions are the ONLY drone flying I ever do, I regard my Mini 3 purchase as a complete waste of money and have only ever bothered to fly it about three times in total.
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I have some very bad news for you about the DJI Mini 3, and I wish someone had told me this fact before I bought a Mini 3 with the pricey Extra Battery. The Mini 3, unlike the Mini 4 or the Mavic 3, does NOT store waypoint GPS data onboard, and thus CANNOT complete a waypoint mission once connectivity to the RC controller is interrupted for more than a few seconds.

When I bought my Mini 3, I was so dazzled by the phenomenal 35 minutes flight time that is possible with the Extra Battery, that I hit the "buy" button WITHOUT making sure that the Mini 3 could complete waypoint missions beyond signal range. Since beyond RC range Litchi waypoint missions are the ONLY drone flying I ever do, I regard my Mini 3 purchase as a complete waste of money and have only ever bothered to fly it about three times in total.
I'm pretty sure the OP is talking about the Mavic 3 not the Mini 3. The Mavic 3 can complete waypoint missions when it looses connection to the controller. Also, the OP has posted her/his query in the Mavic 3 forum.

I'm pretty sure the OP is talking about the Mavic 3 not the Mini 3. The Mavic 3 can complete waypoint missions when it looses connection to the controller. Also, the OP has posted her/his query in the Mavic 3 forum.

That was a major blunder on my part and I thank you kindly for pointing it out so I can delete the evidence of that oversight.
Still valid, though. I got a Mini 3 for Christmas and was surprised to find everything it COULDN'T do, including waypoint missions or an SDK for Litchi or virtual sticks or... It went back. So it's not just you. 😉
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