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Mavic 3 shutter lag

Thanks for the clarification. I will check when I next fire-up the bird if I have the + jpeg set. I will screen video the freeze if it is still there. Is SanDisk Extreme PLUS as go as they get or you mention Extreme Pro?
Thanks for the clarification. I will check when I next fire-up the bird if I have the + jpeg set. I will screen video the freeze if it is still there. Is SanDisk Extreme PLUS as go as they get or you mention Extreme Pro?
I just checked a few reviews and it looks like the Plus is nearly as fast as the Pro, so I doubt this can make a huge difference.
My setting is for RAW only, I have bought a Samsung Pro Plus and the shutter freeze seems to vary from <1 sec to 3 seconds!!! This is with a new card. I can't photograph moving scenes with these sorts of delays that I never experienced with Mavic PP.
3 seconds? I'd happily fly my M3 into the next tree if it did that, that's ridiculous!
Have you tried using manual focus to rule out any auto focus problems?
The M3 comes with 8 GB of onboard storage. Try using this instead of the SD card, maybe it allows for faster write speeds and less lag. If those 2 points don't bring any improvement than I'm running out of ideas...
Because the freezing happens after the shutter is activated, then it can't be busy trying to focus for 3 secs. The captured photo is that when the shutter was pressed not when it unfroze.
My understanding is that only the cine model has the onboard storage.
I note Belkin make an SD card that has super-speedy write speeds, maybe that is the answer? Though what I find odd is that the freeze duration varies so much.
Ah OK, thanks for letting me know. I guess I will have to read the manual to find out how to transfer the data from internal to SD. My modus operandi might have to be use the internal storage then periodical when there is a lull in photographing transfer it over to the SD. I'm about to go photographing so will let you know how I get on.
Just been for more flying. Even with the internal storage selected there is the 3 sec freeze. So I am at a loss. Are there any M3 owners out there who are experiencing the same thing? Put the drone in a continuous sweep and periodically take a photo and any delay should be obvious.
Are you using AEB? I do experience this delay on my M3, but I almost shoot using AEB with 5-frame bracketing. I just figured the delay was due to the generation of the 5 frames after firing off the shutter. If you’re using AEB, maybe shooting single frame will help?
No I am using single shot. Have you tried single shot to see if it has the delay?
No I am using single shot. Have you tried single shot to see if it has the delay?
I’ve been trying to, but I’ve had company and haven’t been able to get my bird in the air. Company is gone this morning, but now the weather is foul. I’ll test this out as soon as I can and let you know. 👍🏼
You could easily test it on the ground at home as well, just saying. :)
Fair point. I guess I’m just too lazy to bring it out and set it up and all that unless I can have some fun with it. 😉
I got mine out for you. No delay. None. I have the RC Pro. I used that, then bound the RC-N1 also, with a Samsung Note 10+. Also no delay. None. We'll, maybe a millisecond? Consistent too. Question: Out of curiosity, do you get more delay when the M3 is out there further? I'm just wondering where the latency is occurring. Have YOU tested in on the bench at several feet of distance?

Also, have you opened a ticket with DJI on this?
I got mine out for you. No delay. None. I have the RC Pro. I used that, then bound the RC-N1 also, with a Samsung Note 10+. Also no delay. None. We'll, maybe a millisecond? Consistent too. Question: Out of curiosity, do you get more delay when the M3 is out there further? I'm just wondering where the latency is occurring. Have YOU tested in on the bench at several feet of distance?

Also, have you opened a ticket with DJI on this?
Thanks for sharing your experience. It occurs even if it is a few feet away. How does one 'open a ticket' with DJI?
Thanks for sharing your experience. It occurs even if it is a few feet away. How does one 'open a ticket' with DJI?
Send email to "[email protected] with a short but detailed description of your issue. You will get a reply with a case number like the following:

RE DJI Customer Care Team CAS-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx

Make sure all replies you send have the subject line with case number. Note that support does not work weekends in my experience (at least for standard or low priority cases)

They will usually stay engaged until resolution. If they drop the ball, pick it up, bop them on the head with it (figuratively, not literally, lol) and ask them to continue working your case. This is what's required when you pay these prices for a high end consumer/prosumer drone. Do not let them off the hook until you have an acceptable outcome.

Good luck and please keep us posted on this issue!
I'll check that when I get to fly my M3 the next time. I'm shooting lots of skiing (backcountry, not racing) with my drones and have tried to convince DJI to implement a useful burst mode with user selectable intervals, but to no avail. Burst mode on the M3 will be implemented with the firmware update in January, so there's still hope they get it right this time...but I doubt it, to be honest.

The firmware update that has just been released for the M3 finally introduces Burst Mode (3/5/7 shots).
The good news: Saving times are very quick on the M3 Cine (SSD), have yet to see how quickly it saves to the SD card. Shooting a series of bursts is possible with just a short blackout between the bursts.
And the bad news: The interval is still not customizable. The shots are fired at a very high rate, like 20 fps or even more, that sort of defeats the purpose of burst mode for me.
Send email to "[email protected] with a short but detailed description of your issue. You will get a reply with a case number like the following:

RE DJI Customer Care Team CAS-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx

Make sure all replies you send have the subject line with case number. Note that support does not work weekends in my experience (at least for standard or low priority cases)

They will usually stay engaged until resolution. If they drop the ball, pick it up, bop them on the head with it (figuratively, not literally, lol) and ask them to continue working your case. This is what's required when you pay these prices for a high end consumer/prosumer drone. Do not let them off the hook until you have an acceptable outcome.

Good luck and please keep us posted on this issue!
I'm still in discussions over the matter. Had to send them a screenshot video of the problem, plus photo of the SD card. Waiting for the next comment ...
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