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Mavic 3 Wide Angle Lens

Drone Master

Rest In Peace, Fellow Pilot
Premium Pilot
Oct 12, 2016
Miami, FL. USA
Wondering how many of you that are interested in this Cine wide angle lens. For $179.00 US, It sure is a bit pricey, but then again so is the whole kit.
It would also be interesting if there were a way to incorporate filters with it. Your thoughts?
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Wondering how many of you that are interested in this Cine wide angle lens. For $179.00 US, It sure is a bit pricey, but then again so is the whole kit.
It would also be interesting if there were a way to incorporate filters with it. Your thoughts?

First of all, this lens is not specifically designed for the Cine version. Photographers are potentially more interested in this add-on than videographers.

I placed the order immediately when I saw its existence online, knowing it is one feature that separates Mavic 3 from all other models in DJI's product line. There is no equivalent of such a super wide angle lens, even in DJI's expensive, professional-grade lens for Zenmure X5S/X7 cameras.
I'll want to see sample images from it before I buy, but as a photographer, I can see uses for it. Since it will use the same mounting technique as the ND filters, I am wondering if 3rd party versions of these will start appearing too.
First of all, this lens is not specifically designed for the Cine version. Photographers are potentially more interested in this add-on than videographers.

I placed the order immediately when I saw its existence online, knowing it is one feature that separates Mavic 3 from all other models in DJI's product line. There is no equivalent of such a super wide angle lens, even in DJI's expensive, professional-grade lens for Zenmure X5S/X7 cameras.
what do you mean you placed the order? You ordered the wide angle lens? It is still not up for sale anywhere right?
I'll want to see sample images from it before I buy, but as a photographer, I can see uses for it. Since it will use the same mounting technique as the ND filters, I am wondering if 3rd party versions of these will start appearing too.
Exactly my thought as well. Hopefully there will be some 3rd party lenses
IMO this is one of the best accessories available for the M3. It's not clear to me how ND filters will be handled with it though (if at all).
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amateur photographer here. Not very exited for this one.
I think I would do 4-shots panoramas instead and merge in post to get higher resolution image

For stills photography, that becomes an issue when you have anything moving in your frame, such as people, cars, wildlife, a waterfall, etc. If everything is stationary, then you can certainly do what you said. For video, there is no such workaround.
For stills photography, that becomes an issue when you have anything moving in your frame, such as people, cars, wildlife, a waterfall, etc. If everything is stationary, then you can certainly do what you said. For video, there is no such workaround.

Yeph, my shots are all still views, but I found that Lightroom blends waves on water in panoramas pretty well
Yes, I am interested in this lenses also. I wonder if a third party company can manufacture this lens.
Wondering how many of you that are interested in this Cine wide angle lens. For $179.00 US, It sure is a bit pricey, but then again so is the whole kit.
It would also be interesting if there were a way to incorporate filters with it. Your thoughts?
So Canon EF-S 24mm is 129$ -
this piece of plastic from DJI is 50% more expensive ? Should at least have Hasselblad branding for that
I will definitely buy this when it is available, unless PolarPro or some other quality vendor offers one at a lower price. I use a Nikon 14-24 on my DSLR and it is just great for landscapes. I know this is a prime lens, not a zoom. I think I paid around $1700 for the DSLR lens. I know comparing a Nikon professional lens to a drone lens is not a fair comparison, but wow, 15mm on top of the M4/3 camera will be very useful to me. I haven't seen any availability dates yet. January seems to be a popular date. :)
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It makes the lens on the 4/3 sensor wider angle?

I know there are tele converters but never heard of making lenses wider.
what do you mean you placed the order? You ordered the wide angle lens? It is still not up for sale anywhere right?

I pre-ordered here, just to get my place in line:

I don't expect this lens to be available soon. Even if it does, it is very likely in limited quantity, and sold out quickly everywhere.
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I will definitely buy this when it is available, unless PolarPro or some other quality vendor offers one at a lower price. I use a Nikon 14-24 on my DSLR and it is just great for landscapes. I know this is a prime lens, not a zoom. I think I paid around $1700 for the DSLR lens. I know comparing a Nikon professional lens to a drone lens is not a fair comparison, but wow, 15mm on top of the M4/3 camera will be very useful to me. I haven't seen any availability dates yet. January seems to be a popular date. :)

My thoughts exactly.

The hobbyists don't seem to understand the possibility this new lens enables, for more dramatic landscape/architecture aerial images. The optical quality is not going to be at the same level as professional grade prime lens (e.g., Nikon 14mm F2.8 ED), but such a compact lens at a fraction of the price, there's not much I can complain.
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For stills photography, that becomes an issue when you have anything moving in your frame, such as people, cars, wildlife, a waterfall, etc. If everything is stationary, then you can certainly do what you said. For video, there is no such workaround.
Depends on speed of movement and distance if you will run into problems with stitching, but theoretically correct.
But as there is no panorama function by now, it's not possible anyway. 😂

BTT: does this fully replace the lens or is just an ancillary lens? Ever avoided this in the DSLR as for macro. Yeah, you change your focal length but often the quality too.

My thoughts exactly.

The hobbyists don't seem to understand the possibility this new lens enables, for more dramatic landscape/architecture aerial images. The optical quality is not going to be at the same level as professional grade prime lens (e.g., Nikon 14mm F2.8 ED), but such a compact lens at a fraction of the price, there's not much I can complain.
I guess the hobbyist very well understands the concept of a higher field of view. ;)
Being airborne grants you a higher viewpoint and therefore, the necessity of low focal lengths like under 20 mm was not that high.

But I am curious how this will turn out in quality and perception.
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Depends on speed of movement and distance if you will run into problems with stitching, but theoretically correct.
But as there is no panorama function by now, it's not possible anyway. 😂

BTT: does this fully replace the lens or is just an ancillary lens? Ever avoided this in the DSLR as for macro. Yeah, you change your focal length but often the quality too.
Yes, agreed. Movement in the distance is not the same as movement up close. Airplanes going 900km/h that appear to be crawling across the sky is probably an example everyone can relate to.

Stitching is usually not the issue, software these days is very good, it's more that the image may not look perfect in the areas where there was movement. The less you care about that, the less of an issue it is.

I don't know the answer to your second question for sure, but I highly suspect it clips on like a filter. Quality looked fine to my eye at 4K on a 120" display but I haven't scrutinized any RAW footage with it. GoPro offers the same sort of thing for their cameras and it clips on just like any filter.

In the DLSR world the screw-on close up filters such as the Canon 500D are actually very good. A dedicated macro lens will always be better but they can get excellent results. If you buy a generic one on Amazon or Ebay, not so much haha.
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Of course you are right about flying giving you a nice field of view. But with a 15mm lens I wouldn't have to fly as high to capture the entire scene, therefore the details are more recognizable which (my opinion) adds interest. I prefer this to taking multiple photos and stitching, partly because it's not just a width issue... it's height and width, so I would need to take at least 2 rows of exposures. It's doable for sure, but with a drone I have more trouble gauging the overlap between rows. With a DSLR on a tripod it's seems much easier. But even with the DSLR, I will try to capture everything with my widest lens before resorting to multiple exposures with a longer lens.
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I get you.

By the way, don't you use the automatic pano function in other drones before? It also saves the DNG seperately and you can easily remove the parts you don't need before stitching. More comfort than manual overlap for multi row panoramas tbh.

Unfortunately AEB is not compatible in DJI Go/DJI Fly with it ... there's a way in Litchi though.

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