I believe my old Mavic Air turned into a paper weight, unless someone, but I still hope that someone has an idea how to revive it:
- A year ago, during vacation I could not get it to pair with the phone. I believe to remember that there was an error message, explaining that the Mavic Air was not in the home network
- Later at home I still could not get it to pair with the phone again and it was ageing unused in the shelf . I now tried to reactivate it but without success.
- Connecting with the remote leads to no result when scanning the Wifi SSID QR code. Nothing happens. No wifi connection has been established
- Connecting manually to the Wifi is not working either. The Wifi is not found. When using an old phone that had the SSID in the Wifi list, the Mavic_Air wifi is listed as "not in range" even when the connecting phone lies right next to it
- Resetting the Wifi on the Mavic Air (6 sec button press) is doing nothing
- I tried different Android phones - no success
- I connected the Mavid with DJI Assistant on the PC and performed a factory reset. But the Wifi is not seen on the PC.