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Mavic Air 2 Gimbal Went Bezerk

Josiah S

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2021
Hi all. Today about 8 min into my flight the gimbal started to jump up and down quickly and jerky. I could not control the gimbal. No errors came up or anything after 5 or so seconds it went away and I returned home right away. It didn’t do it again for the rest of the flight and everything seemed normal. Gimbal calibration time?
That's not what you should expect just because it perhaps was a long time since you calibrated the gimbal ... it haven't anything to do with calibration.

If it happens again or you're close to the end of the warranty period ... contact DJI.
I have never calibrated the gimbal since I got it. Should I try calibrating it??
I am going to fly at sunset tonight, I’ll see what happens then. I’ve got my fingers crossed. What’s the probability that it was just a one time deal?
I have had the magic air 2 since June.

This has happened to me 3 times in roughly 200 flights.

I have no explanation for why it happened, and it went away after landing and repowering the drone.
Ok, I guess 3 times in 200 flights isn’t that bad. I just flew it and did not have any issues that I could tell! Hopefully it was just a one time deal, or at least a once in a long while deal.:)
2nd flight since the gimbal jerked. Again, no problems that I could tell.?
I have had the magic air 2 since June.

This has happened to me 3 times in roughly 200 flights.

I have no explanation for why it happened, and it went away after landing and repowering the drone.
I have had this happen on other drones, but it was due to debri. The debri may affect a gimbal motor just for a second, then the gimbal tries to get back in position, but can't, so it keeps moving until the debri moves, then it stops and behaves normally. I cleaned the narrow areas near the motors with compressed air and moved the gimbal around. It eventually stopped. Of course you can have it evaluated. I never have any luck with technicians when it comes to rare malfunctions such as this. They usually just replace the camera and gimbal instead of mucking around with trying to fix it.
File a warranty claim ASAP. This is common for mavic air 2. No root cause so far. You can Google mavic air 2 gimbal overload / jerk / jello / shake
lee82gx is right. Hopefully you're still under warranty. I've had this happen on many DJI drones that I have owned. This problem only got worse for me. It was infrequent at first, then over a few months, It wouldn't stabilize at all. They usually have to replace the camera and gimbal.
I don’t have any warrantee. I have flown it a lot and have not had any problems at all with it so far. I think it was just some debris got in the motors and it caused that. That time I took it off from the ground and dust and junk flew up.

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