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Mavic Air at Night

Come on now....stop this!

I've been so undecided on whether to go Mavic Air or Pro.

Keep making my mind up for the final time and then people keep throwing curve balls in.
One thing sways me to Air, then something swings me back to the Pro.

Really like the look of those pics.
Those pictures can be created with the Mavic Pro , but it requires one to do all the post processing themselves. Unlike the Air that does it all within the app. Hopefully this processing comes to an updated version of Mavic Pro Firmware coupled with a DJIGO4 update.
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Come on now....stop this!

I've been so undecided on whether to go Mavic Air or Pro.

Keep making my mind up for the final time and then people keep throwing curve balls in.
One thing sways me to Air, then something swings me back to the Pro.

Really like the look of those pics.

It's widely believed there is a mavic 2 or mavic pro 2 on the near horizon so I would rule out the mavic pro.
It's widely believed there is a mavic 2 or mavic pro 2 on the near horizon so I would rule out the mavic pro.

Yeah, that's been in the back of my mind too.
However, if the launch prices are to be believed, I won't be buying. Plus there's rumours of it being bigger than the current Pro because of the camera.
I know, I know...its all rumours :).

I do love the Airs size and portability but I am put off by the Wifi.

I also love the Astroid mode and picture quality as these pics bring it back on topic!!

Any more pics AeroMirage???
Yeah, that's been in the back of my mind too.
However, if the launch prices are to be believed, I won't be buying. Plus there's rumours of it being bigger than the current Pro because of the camera.
I know, I know...its all rumours :).

I do love the Airs size and portability but I am put off by the Wifi.

I also love the Astroid mode and picture quality as these pics bring it back on topic!!

Any more pics AeroMirage???

Obviously the range will be less than the pro, but it seems to be more than sufficient. If your concern is interference, there are many videos of it flown over metropolitan areas. I plan on using the Air for hikes and such. I also am considering the pro 2 as long as it has a 1 inch sensor, ocusync or an improved equivalent, and 35 ish minute flight time.
Come on now....stop this!

I've been so undecided on whether to go Mavic Air or Pro.

Keep making my mind up for the final time and then people keep throwing curve balls in.
One thing sways me to Air, then something swings me back to the Pro.

Really like the look of those pics.

This is exactly me! :D
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Yeah, that's been in the back of my mind too.
However, if the launch prices are to be believed, I won't be buying. Plus there's rumours of it being bigger than the current Pro because of the camera.
I know, I know...its all rumours :).

I do love the Airs size and portability but I am put off by the Wifi.

I also love the Astroid mode and picture quality as these pics bring it back on topic!!

Any more pics AeroMirage???

I am in exactly the same boat as you. Not sure whether to pic up a another Pro or Air.
The Air seems perfect but its the lack of Ocusync that puts me off.
Im just waiting to see what the Pro 2 brings to the table.....
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I am in exactly the same boat as you. Not sure whether to pic up a another Pro or Air.
The Air seems perfect but its the lack of Ocusync that puts me off.
Im just waiting to see what the Pro 2 brings to the table.....

Another Pro??

It's definitely the Wifi and noise that are the big sticking points with the Air for me.
I own the Spark and, although its portability is just what I like, it's connectivity isn't.

I've made up my mind for certain that I won't buy the Pro 2 but if I bought the Pro, would I be wasting my money on a drone that DJI could stop supporting in the very near future?
Another Pro??

It's definitely the Wifi and noise that are the big sticking points with the Air for me.
I own the Spark and, although its portability is just what I like, it's connectivity isn't.

I've made up my mind for certain that I won't buy the Pro 2 but if I bought the Pro, would I be wasting my money on a drone that DJI could stop supporting in the very near future?

Yeh I had a Mavic Pro a year or so ago, and sold it - but regret it ever since :( lol

I reckon the Pro 2 is just round the corner. I don't want to buy a drone now and wish I had waited. I know all the stuff about 'there will always be a new model coming' and 'just buy and enjoy now' etc, but with the cold weather I wouldn't be flying until Spring/Summer anyways, so am happy to wait a while.
If you have your mind set on a Pro, I would still wait for the Pro 2. Once the Pro 2 comes along prices for the Pro (and probably the Premium) are likely to drop in order to shift remaining you could save some for added accessories ;)

I'd like to go for a Pro 2, depending upon price and spec, but I still really like the look of the Air. If only it had Ocusync!!! Then again, I'm trying to convince myself that I never fly without LOS anyways.....and when you see images like the ones in the first post......
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But then I read that guys review on the Air (about 5 posts down) and it makes want the Pro
Nice photos AeroMirage! Were these shot in Auto or Manual? Do you know the ISO & shutter speed for these photos?

I've only had the chance to take my Air out at sunset/dusk so far since I've been busy at weekend and working until 5pm, sun sets at 4.50pm here in Scotland just now. So I've been testing the video/photo quality in low light. So far the video is very noisy anything above 200 ISO, so it's hard to get good shots without noise reduction software, I've heard the Neat video plugin works amazing for Mavic footage, but its $99 so I can't justify that at the moment (I need more batteries first!)

I've taken afew raw photos in fairly low light and managed to get some half decent photos:



This one is a still from 4k 30fps video with a LUT applied:


First one was manual mode - ISO 100, shutter 1 3/5 of a second (You can see the long shutter creates some nice light trails on the cars)

Second is auto mode - ISO 400 shutter 1/10 second

Third is a still from 4k 4fps video with a LUT applied (I think settings were auto). The two photos were shot jpeg&raw and raws tweaked in lightroom

Another Pro??

It's definitely the Wifi and noise that are the big sticking points with the Air for me.
I own the Spark and, although its portability is just what I like, it's connectivity isn't.

I've made up my mind for certain that I won't buy the Pro 2 but if I bought the Pro, would I be wasting my money on a drone that DJI could stop supporting in the very near future?

I'm in the boat in regarding noise and wifi/range with the Air. I love the size, but where I've been using it in an Urban areas, noise is very noticeable, range isn't great (I'm in CE so video gets laggy over 500m) and of course battery isn't as good as MP. I'm going to test it more outside the city more but considering swapping for a MPP - quiter, longer battery, much better range (especially in CE) - footprint is only slightly larger.
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There will always be rumors about the next one coming out. As soon as the Pro 2 comes out there will be rumors of the air pro and so on.
but where I've been using it in an Urban areas, noise is very noticeable, range isn't great (I'm in CE so video gets laggy over 500m)
Man that sucks that you CE guys are encountering the same issues as the Spark is having in regards to wifi.
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Those pictures can be created with the Mavic Pro , but it requires one to do all the post processing themselves. Unlike the Air that does it all within the app. Hopefully this processing comes to an updated version of Mavic Pro Firmware coupled with a DJIGO4 update.
I processed these in my computer with MS Ice. The onboard stitching is lousy. It will only create a flat, sprawled out image.
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