Active Member
FWIW my Mavic Pro fell out of the sky while hovering at 30'. Like posters above I usually stop at 30' let it hover then ck Go 4 icons then proceed. When I reached 30' I looked down at my Go 4 icons and the Mavic fell out of the sky almost striking me. After striking the ground all lights were on but two forward arms were broke and there was a distinct odor of burnt electronics coming from just behind gimbal but don't know it it was the cause or result of the crash. Everything normal on flight records and battery was fully charged and I think firmly in place. Had flown six previous successful flights that day in same location with nothing abnormal. Checked motors and bottom of unit for heat after every other flight. Will never hover at 30' above me again as the impact at my feet was substantial from the 30' foot fall. The unit was a refurb replacement for my original unit that threw a prop 10 minutes into the flight.