I would like to reply on the use
off something like a repeater.
I know the topic is older still the sollition?
I'am not so sure...!
Are you from Europe?
Does your controller only support the fcc standard transmitting the 25mw broadcasting....power.
This can be fixed easy, no fake GPS ********.
Only one minute and you are done and transmit full signal power.
If you want to know read the last alinia.
But if you really Wanne know read all.
Because i have been using one repeater for my cheap replica of the mini.
Called the JJR and this drone looks and works in the same way.
Except some things are different and those are the way that these drone's communicatie with the controller.
What i do know is that for the JJR it does work very good.
And you are not Breaking the Law....
If you would do like i am going to
tell you, know if you are withing Europe.
This is not allowed but possible.
But this drone and remote communicate separatly next to the phone and video.
Because that Will use the 5.8ghz for the video and the 2.4ghz for it's remote.
Even using the repeater its only repeating the 5.8ghz signal for the mobile while the remote signal is not even showing.
Second to that the DJI controller is connected with the USB-C to the phone
and its not using the phones hardware like
WiFi to transmit.
But only used to display the info on your screen.
You can test this by putting your phone into airplane mode.
Wich is even better, altough you Will see
that it should keep working.
On my iPhone IT did..!
So in theorie it could work.
Altough im unsure if you Will even
find the remote signal of
DJI mini 2.
Next to this there is the question
about occu sync 2.
And how or if the repeater is able
to switch between these signals.
Just download the B3yond app
and unlock the full potential....!
Still there are people saying it's not
using the WiFi but some frequentie
within that range.
I think this is bullcrap because
it's either hidden or encrypted.
When it is not vissable it's more Likely
to communicate with a protocol link.
Just like any other Rc-transmitter that
switches or hop's within a pre-program range of the frequentie that is linked to the communication protocal.
But I cant test this out because i broke my repeater.
And well I have found my sollition.
So also i do not need it anymore.
Because the differance is insane to the fcc standard when i only made 1.6km in optimale conditions.
I'm now Just free to go like al off you outside Europe and that range is more then enough.
You only can fly so far before your battery is drained..
Be sure to reply....or share you mind...!
Always fly safe and responseble keep away from airports and be sure to not cause
Harm to others.
Keep the peace,share the love
and get the respect.
May I ask what were you going to use for a repeater? Like a 2.4ghz router in repeater mode?