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Mavic mini not suitable for autonomous flight?


Aug 2, 2020
I used to use the litchi app to send my p3 on autonomous flights to check areas of my land (it’s legal in my country to operate drones beyond line of sight).

I am quite interested in the Mavic Mini and was excited to see it will be litchi compatible soon. However, I saw a YouTube video that said that it might not be able to do autonomous flights because it will need to have connection to the controller at all times. Is this accurate? I was planning to place an order today but this would be a deal breaker for me.
I am quite interested in the Mavic Mini and was excited to see it will be litchi compatible soon. However, I saw a YouTube video that said that it might not be able to do autonomous flights because it will need to have connection to the controller at all times. Is this accurate? I was planning to place an order today but this would be a deal breaker for me.

I think only people involved in producing software with the DJI Software Development Kit know the answer for sure. What did DJI remove from other drones to bring the mini down to their target price, and what did it just inherit from past models? Anyone can speculate on "It might not be able to do this, it might be able to do that".

If you need this functionality don't buy the drone unless/until software to do it is available. Hoping future software will do something leads to frustration.

We already have several threads about this, but Litchi can't support waypoint missions or orbits on the Mini, but an app called Dronelink can. Please see other threads.
Dronelink has updated their app in very quick time to use the new SDK from DJI which includes Mini support. The current Litchi version uses the previous SDK which doesn't. We don't know what may come in the future.
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I think only people involved in producing software with the DJI Software Development Kit know the answer for sure. What did DJI remove from other drones to bring the mini down to their target price, and what did it just inherit from past models? Anyone can speculate on "It might not be able to do this, it might be able to do that".

If you need this functionality don't buy the drone unless/until software to do it is available. Hoping future software will do something leads to frustration.

Dronelink has updated their app in very quick time to use the new SDK from DJI which includes Mini support. The current Litchi version uses the previous SDK which doesn't. We don't know what may come in the future.
I'm sorry, but Litchi has confirmed on their Facebook page that they cannot support waypoints or orbits because the SDK does not support them.
I think only people involved in producing software with the DJI Software Development Kit know the answer for sure

I'm sorry, but Litchi has confirmed on their Facebook page that they cannot support waypoints or orbits because the SDK does not support them.

Well, they're working with the SDK so they'd know. Either that's not in the updated SDK for any drone, or it's supported with some drones and not others . Since I avoid facebook I haven't seen what's been said there, perhaps a copy and paste to the thread to keep everything in one place might help others ?
I used to use the litchi app to send my p3 on autonomous flights to check areas of my land (it’s legal in my country to operate drones beyond line of sight).

I am quite interested in the Mavic Mini and was excited to see it will be litchi compatible soon. However, I saw a YouTube video that said that it might not be able to do autonomous flights because it will need to have connection to the controller at all times. Is this accurate? I was planning to place an order today but this would be a deal breaker for me.
For the present moment no autonomous missions are possible with the mini.
Not with any software.
That’s because right now DJI does not support loading waypoints to the ac.
And right now DJI has not said it will ever support them.
I used to use the litchi app to send my p3 on autonomous flights to check areas of my land (it’s legal in my country to operate drones beyond line of sight).

I am quite interested in the Mavic Mini and was excited to see it will be litchi compatible soon. However, I saw a YouTube video that said that it might not be able to do autonomous flights because it will need to have connection to the controller at all times. Is this accurate? I was planning to place an order today but this would be a deal breaker for me.
I've just bought Dronelink ($20) for my MM. Haven't tried it yet but the reports are good.

To be clear what is meant , from that link
[some apps] upload missions to the Drone for execution. This approach is called onboard waypoints,
DJI has also excluded onboard waypoints from certain drones, such as the Mavic Mini, meaning [apps that work that way] cannot support that drone.

Dronelink [sends] stick commands in real-time as a human pilot would [it] does require a constant connection to the drone
Well, they're working with the SDK so they'd know. Either that's not in the updated SDK for any drone, or it's supported with some drones and not others . Since I avoid facebook I haven't seen what's been said there, perhaps a copy and paste to the thread to keep everything in one place might help others ?
I should have also mentioned that an SDK developer has confirmed that the SDK can't support waypoints or orbits because the Mini's firmware doesn't. That's obvious enough, but why that's so is a different question. You will find that many people who already own multiple high-end DJI drones think it's perfectly reasonable that DJI doesn't offer such "advanced" software features in their cheap drone, and we Mini owners just shouldn't expect those for a mere $400 or $500 -- never mind that virtually all other GPS drones have them. :mad:
I have seen a question (don't remember which thread...) How long will dronelink allow the mission to pursue in case of a relatively brief connection loss before RTH? In other words, does dronelink tolerate connection loss during a mission and for how long?
Thanks for your reply.
There is no difference between "brief" connection loss and connection loss. No connection = no control.
I have seen a question (don't remember which thread...) How long will dronelink allow the mission to pursue in case of a relatively brief connection loss before RTH? In other words, does dronelink tolerate connection loss during a mission and for how long?
Thanks for your reply.
If Dronelink loses the connection, what happens on the Mini is up to the Mini, so it will behave exactly the way it does if you lose control while flying manually.
I should have also mentioned that an SDK developer has confirmed that the SDK can't support waypoints or orbits because the Mini's firmware doesn't. That's obvious enough, but why that's so is a different question. You will find that many people who already own multiple high-end DJI drones think it's perfectly reasonable that DJI doesn't offer such "advanced" software features in their cheap drone, and we Mini owners just shouldn't expect those for a mere $400 or $500 -- never mind that virtually all other GPS drones have them. :mad:

"Why" could be any combination of
(a) Omitting certain features allowed simpler / lighter / cheaper hardware (it might need more RAM to do X) .
(b) Omitting those features reduced the cost of testing/validation.
(c) Market research showed buyers of sub 250g / $500 drones did not attach value to those features
(d) Market research showed prospective buyers of more expensive drones would switch to the cheap one if it had those features.

From DJI's point of view including a feature might increase customer satisfaction, but I don't think they get a cut from software sales, and a mostly happy Mini owner who buys a second drone as an upgrade is the best outcome for them. I have a feeling the lack of raw photo support is in that category.
"Why" could be any combination of
(a) Omitting certain features allowed simpler / lighter / cheaper hardware (it might need more RAM to do X) .
(b) Omitting those features reduced the cost of testing/validation.
(c) Market research showed buyers of sub 250g / $500 drones did not attach value to those features
(d) Market research showed prospective buyers of more expensive drones would switch to the cheap one if it had those features.

From DJI's point of view including a feature might increase customer satisfaction, but I don't think they get a cut from software sales, and a mostly happy Mini owner who buys a second drone as an upgrade is the best outcome for them. I have a feeling the lack of raw photo support is in that category.
Or maybe (e) DJI did something rather stupid with the Mini that's costing them a lot of sales and ill will. Nah, that's unthinkable.
"Why" could be any combination of
(a) Omitting certain features allowed simpler / lighter / cheaper hardware (it might need more RAM to do X) .
(b) Omitting those features reduced the cost of testing/validation.
(c) Market research showed buyers of sub 250g / $500 drones did not attach value to those features
(d) Market research showed prospective buyers of more expensive drones would switch to the cheap one if it had those features.

From DJI's point of view including a feature might increase customer satisfaction, but I don't think they get a cut from software sales, and a mostly happy Mini owner who buys a second drone as an upgrade is the best outcome for them. I have a feeling the lack of raw photo support is in that category.
Thanks for making those points.
It seems hard to get others to understand those points.
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