I noticed lately some worrying clicking sound coming From my Mavic Mini while in descent or hovering. It's not a constant sound but a sudden whack as if the props had hit something even though in clear air. The 1st time it happended I immediately landed to inspect the Mini and couldn't see any damage to props or drone. I put it down to the Mini props hitting a Bee or large insect.
Since then it's happended again on a few occasions and on close inspection I found a very small nick at the very end of one of the props. Strange because this Mini has never landed on anything other than a pad and there are absolutely no impact marks on the drone body or arms where the prop could have come into contact with. So I have another theory? The propellers on the same arm have almost 'folded' it flight and one has 'kicked' the other. After all is's only centrifugal force that keeps them fully extended. The 2nd part of my theory comes from my experience flying a Hubsan drone that didn't have stabalised gimbal. The Hubsan along with my paragliding experience made me very aware of prop-wash and wind turbulance and what it can do to an aircraft. With the Hubsan if you descended straight down in calm conditions the drone would wobble and shake due to descending through it's own down-wash and the footage would be useless. However, if you left the wake turbulance behind by coming in at a glide angle the drone was stable and so was the footage. So if you are in a hover or descending the downwash mixed with a gusty wind could 'stall or accelerate' one of the Mini props causing it to lag and be kicked by it's partner on the same arm. It's not something that coud happen with the Hubsan's non folding props. I see there's a couple of older posts regarding Mavic Mini random 'clicking' in flight where changing props didn't solve it, but my theory has not been put forward before. What do you think?
As a side note regarding props if you've ever seen a slow mo of a Mini Starting up with props not fully extended you will always tease out your props to be sitting fully extended before start up as I do now. (providing it's not windy enough for it to blow them around 1st
Since then it's happended again on a few occasions and on close inspection I found a very small nick at the very end of one of the props. Strange because this Mini has never landed on anything other than a pad and there are absolutely no impact marks on the drone body or arms where the prop could have come into contact with. So I have another theory? The propellers on the same arm have almost 'folded' it flight and one has 'kicked' the other. After all is's only centrifugal force that keeps them fully extended. The 2nd part of my theory comes from my experience flying a Hubsan drone that didn't have stabalised gimbal. The Hubsan along with my paragliding experience made me very aware of prop-wash and wind turbulance and what it can do to an aircraft. With the Hubsan if you descended straight down in calm conditions the drone would wobble and shake due to descending through it's own down-wash and the footage would be useless. However, if you left the wake turbulance behind by coming in at a glide angle the drone was stable and so was the footage. So if you are in a hover or descending the downwash mixed with a gusty wind could 'stall or accelerate' one of the Mini props causing it to lag and be kicked by it's partner on the same arm. It's not something that coud happen with the Hubsan's non folding props. I see there's a couple of older posts regarding Mavic Mini random 'clicking' in flight where changing props didn't solve it, but my theory has not been put forward before. What do you think?
As a side note regarding props if you've ever seen a slow mo of a Mini Starting up with props not fully extended you will always tease out your props to be sitting fully extended before start up as I do now. (providing it's not windy enough for it to blow them around 1st