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Mavic Pro doesnt fly completely straight


Feb 7, 2018
Hey has anyone had this issue. When I move forward with the right joystick to go forward it flies straight but slightly to the left almost as if the wind is pushing it to the left'll continue that way then when I stop the GPS holds it nice and in place so it's not like the wind is the root cause of this. When I go in reverse by pulling the right stick back it will actually fly back but slightly to the right...coming right back to the place where I started. I've tried recalibrating every sensor, camer, gimble, you name it and yet it still does this. Firmware and app is uptodate...Anyone ever experience this? What could be the cause!??
Have you calibrated the joystick?
Sounds like wind influence.
In a stationary hover, the bird can correct effects of the wind, but while flying, it is relying on compass to guide it and the wind can cause a slight drift.
Try this:
Fly a distance forward and see which way it drifts. Then, instead of flying backwards, turn around to fly back.
See what that brings.....
I also had this problem, if it was wind then when you come back it would continue pushing you left, for me it turned out that I was ever so slightly pushing left as I went forward and pulling right as I pulled back. Although I thought I was being exact on the stick, because of my hand position on the controller I was putting in a tiny left and right movement as I moved my thumb forward and back!
What could be the cause!??
Check out your TXT flight log to see if it explains what happened. You can upload and view it online here. If you'd like other people to review and comment on your flight log, then please post a link back here after you upload it.
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I had a Mavic that curved when it flew. You could clearly see it on the flight log map. Sent back to DJI and it was a faulty motor speed controller which they fixed. Not sure if you have the same issue.
I have the same problem, I will try to download the TXT log as @msinger suggested to see if I can understand what is happening
Have you calibrated the joystick?
Yes, I tried calibrating the controller sticks...same issue..who knows. I recently had to send it to DJI because as it was auto landing with 20% battery life it just cut off at about 20ft over the side it missed my head by about 3 ft, if I had not been looking at the controller and was looking up I might have been able to catch it. But needless to say it crashed and broke...sad sad day, I still don't know what or why that happen.
I've noticed the same with mine, but haven't investigated specifically flying out, turning around, and flying straight back. I've done controller stick calibration and compass calibration, all other sensors say they are good and I don't really want to mess with them. If I get a calm day I'll check it out, and upload my log to see if anyone sees anything with mine (would be good to go through the log viewing process too, since I haven't done it yet).
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