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Mavic Pro drifting issue.

If you can describe in a bit more detail what it’s doing, that may help determine what should be looked at as a solution.
Calibration should not be looked at as a cure all.
I tried to re-calibrate all, and it is still same. When I push the stick all the way up it is going a bit to the right, and when it is hovering it is turning around a bit in right side.
I tried to re-calibrate all, and it is still same. When I push the stick all the way up it is going a bit to the right, and when it is hovering it is turning around a bit in right side.
Try another set of props? Are these the orginals?
Another example of calibration not solving the problem.
Again, a bit more information on what you have and what it is doing will help. History on aircraft, new, used? Any crash history? Modifications?
How long have you had this ac? Purchased from? What area do you fly from?
Did you calibrate your controller?
As kidroc says, calibration of the controller stick movement would be the logical place to start if you ask me.
Another example of calibration not solving the problem.
Again, a bit more information on what you have and what it is doing will help. History on aircraft, new, used? Any crash history? Modifications?
How long have you had this ac? Purchased from? What area do you fly from?
There is no modifications on drone, no crashes, it is old 2 and a half years, bought from Aviteh in Croatia. I am using original props also tried to switch for new set and it is still same. Don' t know what to do...
Have you done anything with firmware on either the aircraft or controller?
Try it. And did you try the stick calibration on the controller?
Also, is there anyone there that you can switch controllers with to see if another controller produces the same results?
Hi all,
I have the same issue on my mavic pro..
I already tried to calibrate controler, IMU and compass ,doing it before each flight in some different places , reinstall firmware, down grade , change props (original set, official low noise props, and some other sets from other brands... But the mavic still doing the same...
Mine is going right when I go straight forward, and turning a little bit to the left when overing..
Its a little bit tricky but you can try to "trim" it yourself , applying a very little pressure on the stick on the opposite side of the drift/turn...
But it's not a solution to the problem, it's mostly a desesperate guy's tip... ;)
Also, is there anyone there that you can switch controllers with to see if another controller produces the same results?
I tried to calibrate controller and still same, and I dont have anyone to switch controllers :(
Takeoff point. Always the same spot? Or always the same issue wherever you fly from?
Could it be one of the motor is starting to wear off? Better to send for repair to have a check before it fall off half way in the sky.
Anything is possible. With props on, spin each motor by hand and see if you can feel one that may be different than the others.
Spin slowly. You should feel slight resistance.
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