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Mavic pro lense issue


Sep 25, 2018
Hi all.
Can anyone help here? My mavic seems to have a mark on the inside of the lense(a dot). I think this may be the issue I have with the focus, picture is very mush. Has anyone else had this issue?

example please
Uploaded a pic. Video comes out the same. I have done everything thats been suggested on this group to see if the focus issue could be sorted, but nothing. Then I noticed the 'dot' on the lense.
I also notice that the left rear arm is slightly lose compared with the right one. But seems that is a common issue.


  • org_1b879af2efbda8b6_1539846564000.jpg
    4.8 MB · Views: 30
looks fine to me
just by the 4 staks on the left blurred?
Wasn't aware of legs being loose an issue. My MP legs are good., but anyways.
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reset camera settings
put +1 on sharpness
Do calibration of gimbal and wotnot
I was unhappy with my MP focus all summer after only getting it May.
It's not the best for user-friendliness and certainly took some time to get it to do what I wanted out of it.
looks fine to me
just by the 4 staks on the left blurred?
Wasn't aware of legs being loose an issue. My MP legs are good., but anyways.
Thanks for the reply. I will will try take a short video of the left arm tomorrow and post it for you to take a look at. Maybe DJI will have some answers on it. Thanks again.
reset camera settings
put +1 on sharpness
Do calibration of gimbal and wotnot
I was unhappy with my MP focus all summer after only getting it May.
It's not the best for user-friendliness and certainly took some time to get it to do what I wanted out of it.
Thanks. I will give that a go tomorrow and let you know the outcome.
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Unless the dot you see is large it really shouldn’t have much effect on focus. How large is it? I suspect it is another’s issue as others have suggested
Unless the dot you see is large it really shouldn’t have much effect on focus. How large is it? I suspect it is another’s issue as others have suggested
It's very small. It seems to be inside the lense.
I will try take a pic of it.
It is actually lens, there is no e. If it is very small, then the lens will not be able to focus on it and it should be rendered invisble to your video footage, in the same way that with some lenses on a still camera, you can shoot very close to a chain link fence and the fence just about becomes invisible when you are focusing on something much further behind that fence.

If you have a lens cover or filter on the camera lens are you sure it may not just be a speck of dust on the inside of the lens filter, which you may be able to remove and clean? I doubt a speck of dust will cause the camera to be shooting mushy or soft video or stills, it may be your camera settings. Also if this is an old original Mavic Pro, are you setting your focus once up in the air, because that is something you need to do on every flight if you have the original Mavic Pro or Mavic 1?

Hope you get it sorted out, good luck.
It is actually lens, there is no e. If it is very small, then the lens will not be able to focus on it and it should be rendered invisble to your video footage, in the same way that with some lenses on a still camera, you can shoot very close to a chain link fence and the fence just about becomes invisible when you are focusing on something much further behind that fence.

If you have a lens cover or filter on the camera lens are you sure it may not just be a speck of dust on the inside of the lens filter, which you may be able to remove and clean? I doubt a speck of dust will cause the camera to be shooting mushy or soft video or stills, it may be your camera settings. Also if this is an old original Mavic Pro, are you setting your focus once up in the air, because that is something you need to do on every flight if you have the original Mavic Pro or Mavic 1?

Hope you get it sorted out, good luck.
Hi . Thanks for the feedback. I didn't even notice my spelling error. Thanks.
I do not have filters as yet and the lens looks clean, but will give it a clean and see. I will also concider changing camera settings and see what that does. I really hope I can get this sorted as I love to fly and film, however this is putting a damper on that, at the moment.
Did you manage to take a look at the pic I uploaded?
Thanks again.
I did see the pic you posted but must say I do not see a dot, nor do I see any blur you speak of. I have the Mavic 2 Pro now but did have the Mavic Pro and I never noticed any looseness of any of the legs on it. Did you buy yours new or used? If the shop you purchased from has other Mavic Pros there, take your in and compare the arm movement and then show them how loose your is compared to the others you inspect, if that is the case, and ask them to exchange drones.

As for your posted pic, it looks quite sharp to me, where exactly are you thinking you are seeing a blurred section? Hopefully you have now checked or altered your camera settings and also set focus before taking any photos with your Mavic, that should, hopefully, sort out any problems you perceive with your focus issue.
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