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Mavic Pro - the next generation

Rick A

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2016
As with all technology, by the time a product is released, design of the next generation has already started. What improvements would you like to see with the next generation Mavic? Camera, sensor, and battery technology continues to evolve and improve significantly. Glitches in the firmware are slowly being being cleaned up and new releases often have new subtle features. Better cameras, more power, more sensors, longer battery life, etc. are all pretty standard. One feature that is pretty important to me, would be the ability to put in lats/longs as part of flight planning. Adding in a centrally balanced standard tripod mount on the belly of the aircraft would be a neat feature. I could see it being used as a pivot point for lifting or "slinging" small loads. Making it more water proof could be of benefit as well.
Load carrying on a Mavic? Silly idea, nevermind the limited lifting capacity, it would be entirely too easy to throw off balance on a craft that small.
I would say higher MP camera with bigger sensor and rear and side sensors. I think they could easily achieve this making it a little bigger. Still keep it with the same look and foldable but make it a little bigger for room for the larger sensor camera and avoidance sensors on the side and back.
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- full 360' collision avoidance
- optional remote with dedicated FPV screen
- better ground clearance
- optional colors (I like the carbon fiber look)
- actual 1080P 60FPS capability or better
- better multi battery charging hub that charges simultaneously
- VR option on DJI GO app (I assume it will be released with the DJI goggles but will only work with the DJI goggles)
Easy: duplicate P4P specs - camera, sensors, etc. Camera improvements are the most important to me, by far.
360 sensors

More ground clearance

A optional phantom type transmitter for
When you just want to drive somewhere and have your iPad Air fit nicely.

Sent from my iPad using MavicPilots
A VR option for the GO app is a pure thing of app programming and doesn't require a new Mavic version. See Litchi.
I wish the next generation will be slightly longer (~20% maybe) with longer legs so the overall stability can be even better, and can carry a camera with bigger sensor.
So far, for me:

Improved camera (lenses/sensor, a lot of us are reporting uneven focus across the frame: you tap to focus, and somewhere corners are definitely out of focus, no matter if you are shooting stills or video)
Same size, for both the MP and RC (it's the reason why I am travelling with the MP and leaving home the Inspire)
Obstacle avoidance as per phantom 4 pro specs, AND without current glitches (direct sun in sensors=obstacle)
Optional ground clearance accessories (to be installed when required)
RC doesn't have to charge the phone (with Samsung S7 edge for sure it does)
RC should fit a 8" tablet (mine doesn't, no way)
SLIGHTLY bigger bag in the fly more combo, this one is really tight
Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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