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Mavic PRO yellow led flashing - no PC and RC connection


Mar 8, 2021
I just wanted to update non fly zones from my DJI Go App. It stuck on 68% for a while - after few min it jump to 100% and says finished but LED on my mavic began to flash in yellow color. I tried to pair my RC with drone without success. I left the drone for a 5 more minutes - still the same.
After that, I connected mavic to my PC (Win 10 - drivers installed normally) - in DJI assistant 2 I saw that was connected and want to upgrade the non fly zones. Process started but drone began to disconnecting and connecting in loop. After some time it stops connecting. I wait some time (about 10min) - nothing changed. I turned off, disconnected the USB cable - and tried again.
Short after turning on the drone - on PC I see "unknown device" for few sec - then it disappears and never coming back again (even a com port or any other device). Mavic begin blink in yellow. No WiFi, no RC connection, drone is hot on the bottom, no cooling fan.
I also tried with 2 other computers (Win10 and Win7) and 2 different cabels - no change
I also removed the internal SD card - no change.
I tried to leave in this state for 2hr - no change

What can I do? It's possible to debug this? Is the core board dead (I don't want belive that...)?

Please help me! I flown my Mavic only 2 times and simply think like nfz update should damage?
Hi I think firstly you need to try connect the controller to the MP,
There are many YouTube tutorials on how to do this, as you need to follow a sequence.
Simply type "Yellow Lights Flashing on Mavic Pro" and there are many videos on there, one that stands out is from TipsNNTricks,
I know you have tried connecting to the PC's, but if the firmware is corrupt or damaged, maybe the pairing controller to MP will work,

Let us know how you get on Thumbswayup
Thanks for this advice.
Unfortunately, didn't help - Mavic turn on begin to blink yellow-green-red in a sequence (2 x sequence then pause for 1 sec then 5 x sequence) after that it blinks in yellow. I hear the ultrasonic sensors are working (come kind beeping from it), gimbal is working. The led indicator left from SD card slot is red the whole time.
I tried to tap the pair button, hold it but nothing changed - drone will no pair with the controller. I tried with 3 batteries.

Maybe there is an option to connect to debug port or telnet connection, something that shows the boot process?
OK can you reboot the MP for 5 or 6 times, in succession, after the Mavic has finished the 6th boot remove the battery and wait 1 min, I am guessing you are not seeing the mavic on the PC.
If you can connect it to the PC and plug in the battery to see if it recognised.
Ensure you have a micro usb cable that works, if this doesn't work maybe a support call into Dji,
Thanks Macmad for the tip, but still the same. Today was situation when LED was red. Some time later after restart - it blink back again.
Tried with all micro usb cables what I have - still the same. My last hope is full charge the battery and leave it on - maybe a wonder will happen and get mavic will alive.
Yes I don't think you have fried the board, it's sounds like a firmware issue, charge the battery leave it on see what happens, sorry I could not be of anymore assistance and wish you all the best in finding a solution.
The board seems to be fine only the firmware is the problem. Without functional firmware, the board is like a brick.
After 2,5hr the LED was red and the drone was hot (I take out the bottom cover). After cooling down and start up again it began to blink in yellow. So I understand that there is a temperature sensor and when it's too hot then the LED is in red.

I searched around on diverse forums, sources and what I found is that the core board has Android based OS. It have emmc chip with the firmware. Maybe it would possible to read the chip or even write a complete image on that but I don't know if the board has test points for this chip. If not then extract it and read it on an external programmer or emmc reader (like standard pendrive or SD card)
Reference page: Reversing Mavic Pro Firmware

I'm sure that DJI has a way to debug, rewrite the firmware without the de-soldering chip. I'm really frustrated that a simple thing killed my Mavic. I don't mod the firmware to change some settings...
I would raise a support ticket with Dji and explain the situation, see what they can do,
Having heard people have sent drones in and have been surprised by the minimal repair cost's, and I cannot imagine it would cost a great deal, and would be sure they could debug the firmware, or even replace the core board,
I can see new core boards on eBay selling for as low as $200, plus p+p from the US.

Let us know how it goes, and best of luck.
Unfortunately the board is still not working. I ordered new one.
I will inform in this thread when I will receive and mount.
But again - I don't belive that such simple thing can completely dysfunction the unit...maybe I did something wrong but what?
I have seen a few very similar posts, describing the same issues you are experiencing, after a failed firmware update, hopefully the core board will resolve the issues and bring the Mavic Pro back to life, fingers crossed for you.
Hello mavic pilots,
2 days ago I received new core board. Replaced and works as expected. My bird is flying again.
One question is still open - why firmware upgrade damaged the software that cause no connection with PC? Probably I will never get an answer for this question...

Thanks a loot for Your input on this thread! I will take a look on this forum to find useful information and maybe provide some ideas and of course if I can help with something - then I will share my knowledge with You!

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