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MM disaster


New Member
May 29, 2020
Question for folks here. I somehow managed to drop my MM while in its DJI case case half way down a scottish hillside (don't ask) when i retrieved it, there weren't any scuffs or scratches on the drone itself. I'm wondering what all that jarring impact might have done to the gimbal? the drone seems to be operational and flies ok, except for an error message saying that one of the propellors is rotating too fast. i have checked the blade, and will replace it when i get home even though there doesn't seem to be any damage, I'm trying to figure out if there is any other damage i should be checking for? any input would be appreciated.
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Trouble shooting 101 dictate to operate one step at a time. As you were correctly doing, replace the blade, or more correctly the set of blades, and go from there. You might be lucky and it will be the end of it.
glad you were able to retrieve it for a start,was the gimbal guard on it at the time ,i would do an IMU,and compass calibration and check that all the gimbal mounts are still attached also check the gimbal still does its start up dance ok
I would change all the props and keep the ones you take off for spares also check for any damage to the airframe such as cracks or the arms not sitting right when they are open or closed have a good look at the gimbal and camera for any damage if it all seems ok i would do a flight keeping low and slow and watching carefully for any odd control issues untill you are happy all is well
The overspeed warning is probably more due to the blades on the affected motor not having the correct shape than it is due to 'classical' nicks, dents and cracks damage.
If the blade's pitch is reduced or if it has lost its 'crescent moon' shape the blade loses lift and has to be spun faster to generate the correct lift.
The MM was in it’s case so I would surmise that the gimbal would not be damaged except for G force effects on the rubber mounts. The prop damage would be the pitch that is out of spec which is hard to see. Definitely calibrate the IMU and compass.
Trouble shooting 101 dictate to operate one step at a time. As you were correctly doing, replace the blade, or more correctly the set of blades, and go from there. You might be lucky and it will be the end of it.
I like this approach. Since the drone was in the protective case, the props may be misaligned since that happens in that case even without a Scottish hillside (g). Changing the props and then taking some pictures, first just on the ground and then a few feet up and moving the camera angles and then further up will help check things out.

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