Hey peeps,
Recently I tried to get that epic under the bridge in winter footage. You can guess what happened. This is the second time I've dunked my Mavic. The first time was in the dead of winter in a freezing cold river in the middle of the woods. Luckily, my truck was nearby (and a change of clothes). My Mavic spent about 20 minutes in the drink, but after a week of Silica packets, that beast was up in the air again.
That was two years ago. You'd think I would have learned from that freezing river, but hey, no risk no reward right? This time the pond was a bit too cold and a bit too deep, so I had to leave it overnight till I could come back with the right gear to fish it out. Once home, I went through the same process as before. Opening it up as far as possible, applying alcohol to dry, and putting everything in a container with silica gel. After several days, I put her back together and had some issues connecting the remote to the drone, so I updated all the firmware and she fired right up. Everything was green and ready to fly. I engage the motors, and the front two fire up, but the back two won't move. They twitch when I fire up the drone during diagnostics, but are dead when I engage the motors. I get the an error message "Takeoff Error, check motor and props".
So I figured the motors were damaged and bought a couple replacements. Soldered the first of the two on, and it's the same thing, so I'm reluctant to replace the other one and tempted to send it back or keep it for future replacements. Everything else is in the green and ready to rock and roll.
I read a feed on this from 2018, of a similar issue, but didn't see any resolution. This is my first post, not new to drones, but since DJI is worthless for older DJI's, I decided to give this a whirl.
Go ahead, take some shots at my decision to attempt that shot again...I can handle it. haha.
I'm totally down with buying a new one, but if I could salvage this platinum beauty that has been with me forever, I'd love to.
Thanks all!
Recently I tried to get that epic under the bridge in winter footage. You can guess what happened. This is the second time I've dunked my Mavic. The first time was in the dead of winter in a freezing cold river in the middle of the woods. Luckily, my truck was nearby (and a change of clothes). My Mavic spent about 20 minutes in the drink, but after a week of Silica packets, that beast was up in the air again.
That was two years ago. You'd think I would have learned from that freezing river, but hey, no risk no reward right? This time the pond was a bit too cold and a bit too deep, so I had to leave it overnight till I could come back with the right gear to fish it out. Once home, I went through the same process as before. Opening it up as far as possible, applying alcohol to dry, and putting everything in a container with silica gel. After several days, I put her back together and had some issues connecting the remote to the drone, so I updated all the firmware and she fired right up. Everything was green and ready to fly. I engage the motors, and the front two fire up, but the back two won't move. They twitch when I fire up the drone during diagnostics, but are dead when I engage the motors. I get the an error message "Takeoff Error, check motor and props".
So I figured the motors were damaged and bought a couple replacements. Soldered the first of the two on, and it's the same thing, so I'm reluctant to replace the other one and tempted to send it back or keep it for future replacements. Everything else is in the green and ready to rock and roll.
I read a feed on this from 2018, of a similar issue, but didn't see any resolution. This is my first post, not new to drones, but since DJI is worthless for older DJI's, I decided to give this a whirl.
Go ahead, take some shots at my decision to attempt that shot again...I can handle it. haha.
I'm totally down with buying a new one, but if I could salvage this platinum beauty that has been with me forever, I'd love to.
Thanks all!