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My Alpine White Mavic Pro had been in the air about 10 minutes when ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
... an LAPD black and white roared into the nearly-empty parking lot to park only a few feet from me.

"Hmm," I said to myself, "they've backed into the parking space opposite from me so they can observe me through the windshield for suspicious activity or movements that will give them probable cause to cuff me before searching me and my stuff."

So I continue in my seated position to look down at my iPad and to speak into my lavaliere microphone what I am observing: "Whoa," I say, "look how intensely blue the sky appears with the ND16-PL filter as I continue to yaw toward the northeast." I'm expecting a tap on my shoulder at any moment.

Luckily, I'd remembered, this time, to place the slip of paper with my FAA Registration # under the battery, and I have my FAA hobbyist registration certificate behind my driver's license, so I'm ready for that tap.

But the tap never comes.

Instead, the black and white roars out of the lot just as it did when entering -- only now its siren is blaring. I look over my shoulder to see that the black and white is .,. in hot pursuit ... wait for it ... of a motorist who'd run a nearby red light.

For a split second I feel disappointed that I did not get to show my credentials :( ... but a split second later my expression changes to :) ... followed by a :D

I fly my aircraft from its current distance of 2m from the Home Point to a little over 5m -- and then hold down the RTH button.

The AC is already above my RTH setting of 30m, so I sit back in my chair to observe it show off what it can do.

Refusing to be outdone by the AC, the RC announces that "Precision Landing" is in progress. It's about an hour before sunset, so I'm surprised that there is enough light.

As it rapidly descends toward the black and yellow "helipad" from which it launched, I instruct the gimbal to go to -90 -- and watch in amazement as this elegant white show-off descends to a position on the 36-inch pad no more than 3 inches from where it launched.

"Am I :cool: or what?" I imagine it bragging.

P.S. According to DJI, this is the one and the same aircraft that "ate" their 16GB Micro SD card after only a couple of flights. They allege that the reason for the different serial # (which does not have an "R" in the tenth position) is that they had to replace the Core Board.
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