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Its been a minute


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Democratic Peoples Republic of Crook County
I've been absent for some time. I don't remember how long. A couple of hospital stays, lots of doctors appointments, just hanging back. Now we're in the artic... and now recovering from my first COVID experience. I dodged the bullet for almost 4 years but it caught up with me. But all seems good. I guess being stuck indoors while it is 20 degrees below cold outdoors isn't so terrible.

Not much to report on drone flying except I now have my 6 year old grandson flying my Mini 3 all by himself (with me standing by, of course). We keep it close and do maneuvering exercises right now so he gets a feel for it. But he's getting it. Come spring time if I get the bug I'll buy an newer drone just to drive renewed interest and think of new projects. A lot of partially done projects on the computer but no motivation right now to get at them. It will come back. I guess mentally I just needed a break.

Other areas... I began studying piano formally about 5 weeks ago. Working out my 3rd piece about to start a 4th. Seems I'm pulling up Chopin preludes to start. Age is showing as I'm having difficulty ironing out the few mistakes that show lack of consistency.

I guess that's it. Hopefully I'll be around more.
Hang in there and keep flying
glad to have you back ,just take your time to get back into the swing of things ,covid in 2021, took my sence of smell and taste ,have never gotten them back ,it has spoiled my enthusiasm for food ,everything is bland, but never mind ,there are lots of people worse off than me
Welcome back! Just (almost) finished my first battle with Covid (fully vaccinated). Although I'm testing negative, I still have side effects going on. My voice sounds like Scooby-Doo and my energy level is not where it used to be yet.

@old man mavic, I lost my sense of smell (100%) and most of my sense of taste a few years ago when I was around 55 long before Covid was a thing but likely due to some other virus.

Anyway, life goes on and thank goodness for hobbies!

Welcome back. I'm not in the arctic...well south in the southern town of North Pole, Alaska but if you are in the US and ever get down this far south, give a holler :).
Welcome back! I have (luckily-knock on wood) been able to avoid COVID so far. My wife has had it twice (she's a school teacher so she's around germy kids all day). You'll eventually get your stamina back and the motivation for editing your footage again.
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Best wishes for a full recovery and no lasting side effects. Until then, stay plugged in to the forum and fly vicariously. These folks will keep your enthusiasm for flying up.
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It is good to have you back. Now get your RSV shot. Going to a friend’s (fellow pilot), funeral Saturday. RSV.
I've been absent for some time. I don't remember how long. A couple of hospital stays, lots of doctors appointments, just hanging back. Now we're in the artic... and now recovering from my first COVID experience. I dodged the bullet for almost 4 years but it caught up with me. But all seems good. I guess being stuck indoors while it is 20 degrees below cold outdoors isn't so terrible.

Not much to report on drone flying except I now have my 6 year old grandson flying my Mini 3 all by himself (with me standing by, of course). We keep it close and do maneuvering exercises right now so he gets a feel for it. But he's getting it. Come spring time if I get the bug I'll buy an newer drone just to drive renewed interest and think of new projects. A lot of partially done projects on the computer but no motivation right now to get at them. It will come back. I guess mentally I just needed a break.

Other areas... I began studying piano formally about 5 weeks ago. Working out my 3rd piece about to start a 4th. Seems I'm pulling up Chopin preludes to start. Age is showing as I'm having difficulty ironing out the few mistakes that show lack of consistency.

I guess that's it. Hopefully I'll be around more.
I will write to you on a private conversation
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