So, I’m flying the Mavic Pro at about 10ft. above the water, in sport mode, video on, capturing some neat images of the coral reef. No problem. I’ve done it before, without incident. I stop, turn off the video, look around, and decide to go up in altitude and then push the left stick down. Yeah, I know, really stupid. A senior moment, a brain fart, unconsciousness, call it what you will, certainly pilot error. So, I notice the ipad screen goes dark, and I look at the elevation and it says -3.7 feet. I launched from maybe a couple of feet above sea level. But, for sure, it’s in the water, and I’m thinking it’s underwater, and sinking down. I’m with my fly buddy and I’m cussing up and down about how stupid I was; we’re talking options, like can I swim out there and get it, at least get the memory card; but, it’s 1100’ out there, and I don’t my mask or fins; it’s gone. We start talking about options, buying another one etc. And then, my buddy says, you’re bird isn’t in the water. Huh? It’s not in the water. It’s over head. I look up, and there it is, returning to home! I catch land it and it is wet. But, obviously, it can fly. There is no camera feed so that may need to be replaced. Or maybe not. I’m told to rinse it out in a bucket of water and place it in a bag of rice, which is where it is now.
The most impressive thing is that somehow the bird returned. As soon as I noticed what had happened, I pushed the left stick up. But, nothing seemed to happen. I did not push return to home. But, somehow, it got itself up out of the water and did return to home. So, at the very least, I have my memory card! We’ll see what happens when the bird comes out of the rice….
The most impressive thing is that somehow the bird returned. As soon as I noticed what had happened, I pushed the left stick up. But, nothing seemed to happen. I did not push return to home. But, somehow, it got itself up out of the water and did return to home. So, at the very least, I have my memory card! We’ll see what happens when the bird comes out of the rice….