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Need help with DJI


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
I've had a problem with my mavic for a long time now. The cooling fan kicks on after just a minute or two of the unit being turned on. Then it invariably overheats which causes the camera to go out of focus and it will not come back into focus until the mavic has been reset to defaults, the djigo app is deleted and then reinstalled. Then it will work again but just briefly. I happened to be in Manhattan one day and stumbled upon the DJI store there. I had it in my camera bag so I brought up my issues which the store owner (very nice guy) checked out and told me to send it in to DJI immediately for them to fix and told me not to let them give me the runaround. If they did he told me to get a hold of him and he'd make some calls to get it pushed through. Updates never did anything to solve the issue.

Well, I sent it in finally and naturally, they're giving me the run around. I can't seem to get a hold of the store owner now. DJI just sent me an invoice for $79 saying the two rear motor arms have to be replaced. That's nonsense. It flew just fine. I didn't have any issues with the way it flew, just with the camera going out of focus and the unit overheating almost immediately. They've completely ignored the reason it was sent in and have fabricated problems that didn't exist. I do not want to pay their ransom only to get my unit back with the same problem I already sent it in for. The unit is also less than a year old.

How do I deal with this?
This is why I prefer Autel Robotics. Never had a problem with their Customer Support, after several dealings with them.

My only suggestion to you: get a different bird from a different company. DJI will never fix their CS.
Their support reputation is why I held off on getting a product from them for so long, but then the mavic came along and it's tough to argue with the capabilities of their product so I pulled the trigger and have issue upon issue ever since. I also have refresh and never used it which puzzles me as to why I'm being told I have to pay for repairs they made up.
Overheating is usually not a software issue, and it has been going on for some time, and hot enough to cause the camera to go out of focus, which is on the outside of the bird, then who knows what other damage has been done.

The $79 is your cost for using care refresh the first time for repair or replacement.

If you had reservations about DJI, then why did you buy for them. Go back to the guy in NY, since he was the one who recommended sending it in and would take care of you if there was a problem.
Overheating is usually not a software issue, and it has been going on for some time, and hot enough to cause the camera to go out of focus, which is on the outside of the bird, then who knows what other damage has been done.

The $79 is your cost for using care refresh the first time for repair or replacement.

If you had reservations about DJI, then why did you buy for them. Go back to the guy in NY, since he was the one who recommended sending it in and would take care of you if there was a problem.

Refresh is supposed to replace the item, not repair it. It makes no sense to pay $79 to have it "refreshed" for two rear motor arms at $19 each. Meanwhile the reason I sent it in the first place is being ignored completely. And when I created my support ticket they kept marking my ticket as I never purchased refresh when I did. I contacted customer support and got a guy who told me 1), they were going to replace the motor arms and send it back to me. Again, ignoring the problems I actually am having with it and 2) told me I crashed it. I said I never crashed it and he insisted I did. I said I wanted them to send me the flight data showing I crashed it. He said they don't have it. I asked how they made the determination that I crashed it then, and he said they simply look it over and if they think I crashed it, that's what they decide and they void the warranty. Ha. Of course. So now I have to dispute their claim, which sounds like the standard boiler plate response just like any insurance company that initially denies as policy before going any further and I have to pull the data from my device and provide it to them to prove I never crashed it even though there isn't anything about my unit that suggests a crash. It was physically flawless when I sent it in.

Finally, I already stated why I went ahead and bought a DJI product. Going back to the Manhattan store isn't a viable option currently.
Well, three consecutive days of having to spend an hour or more with online support and I'm finally told that my submitted flight data proves there was no crash and they will honor their warranty. We'll see if that actually happens. However, what a huge pita. This experience shouldn't be so frustrating.

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