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Need some Advice


Mar 25, 2021
raleigh nc
Hi all, so about a month ago Incrashed my Mavic 2 into a tree and damaged it. I reached out to a local guy who was going to repair it and he quoted me a little under 1000 to fix.
He then tells me that he can send it off to DJI and they might fix it for cheaper.

Well so it turns out that DJI is sending me a refurbished 2 or fixing mine for 300. However, i already bought a Mavic 3.

With that being said, now the guy is offering to buy my Mavic 2. He now is asking if I would sell my drone to him along with the 4 batteries, remote, bag and drone (likely the one DJI is going to send back).

How much do you all think is a good price to ask for all of this. I was originally thinking of just paying the 300 and keeping it but now Idk what to do.

He’s asking how much I would want for this, but I’m kind of clueless as to what to ask for. Because i feel like if he gives me 300 then he would be getting a brand new drone for a heck of a deal. Any advice is helpful.
If you are not paying the $?300 for the repair then I suspect the drone returned will be your crashed one UNLESS the guy himself pays the DJI charge. So, I would check the likes of ebay to see what Mavic 2 are selling for, look at completed auction and deduct $?300 from that.
How much is this guy proposing to charge you for his 'part' in the repair?
Incidentally I would guess you could have done what he did and sent it to DJI yourself.

That said a second drone is always handy just in case you crash the main one.
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I kept my MP2 when I bought an M3. Two drones are one and one drone is none. The MP2 produces a very nice image and is a great back-up for the M3. Things happen with these drones that cause periods of down time. My perspective is that you are getting a brand new MP2 for $300.00. That's hard to beat.
I wouldn't deal with this local guy who wanted to way overcharge you for a repair. Now, it wants to buy your "refurfished" drone so he can sell it. Do you really trust him?
Why not just keep it as a second drone for now? You already paid for it. If you do want to sell then take your time and research your options for the best buyer. You can advertise here, Facebook, and other locations. Just make sure you get the right buyer who already has a FAA pilot certificate.
If you get the drone repaired by DJI, which could very well be a replacement drone, you could easily double the 300 bucks for the drone, and with the additional accessories you could push that number even higher, that is if you actually want to sell of course, having a backup drone of that caliber is very nice!
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The Air 2 is a really good drone. The one you get back from DJI is more than likely going to be new. I would keep it.
Hi all, so about a month ago Incrashed my Mavic 2 into a tree and damaged it. I reached out to a local guy who was going to repair it and he quoted me a little under 1000 to fix.
He then tells me that he can send it off to DJI and they might fix it for cheaper.

Well so it turns out that DJI is sending me a refurbished 2 or fixing mine for 300. However, i already bought a Mavic 3.

With that being said, now the guy is offering to buy my Mavic 2. He now is asking if I would sell my drone to him along with the 4 batteries, remote, bag and drone (likely the one DJI is going to send back).

How much do you all think is a good price to ask for all of this. I was originally thinking of just paying the 300 and keeping it but now Idk what to do.

He’s asking how much I would want for this, but I’m kind of clueless as to what to ask for. Because i feel like if he gives me 300 then he would be getting a brand new drone for a heck of a deal. Any advice is helpful.
I would not sell it to him. It is worth a lot more on any market like e-bay or this forum. Whoever gets it is virtually getting a new drone. I think it would be foolish not to sell it and tell the buyer the truth. I sold my DJI refurbish Air 1 this way. It was virtually like new.
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