Well, from having never used a drone a week ago, I am now the owner of two: a Mavic 2 Pro and a Mini 2. Absolutely amazing tools.
why did I buy both?
Well, I started with the M2Pro as that is what we will be using professionally most of the time. However, there are many instances where using the M2P is not possible (legally or practically). For that, the Mini 2 should plug the gap.
I’ve had all of 15 minutes of air time, but am super impressed so far.
I just wish Oxford CC didn’t have a blanket ban on flying drones in public parks so I could get some good practice time. Very frustrating.
why did I buy both?
Well, I started with the M2Pro as that is what we will be using professionally most of the time. However, there are many instances where using the M2P is not possible (legally or practically). For that, the Mini 2 should plug the gap.
I’ve had all of 15 minutes of air time, but am super impressed so far.
I just wish Oxford CC didn’t have a blanket ban on flying drones in public parks so I could get some good practice time. Very frustrating.