With regards to RTH and Mavic crashes, the concern is always being certain before you takeoff that your RTH altitude is correctly set for the conditions in which you are flying and autolanding, keeping in mind flight obstacles such as trees, buildings and other structures, etc., and ensure your altitude is set accordingly.
As far as RTH and crashes, I do not know anything about that, having never experienced that problem - or any problems whatsoever - with my Mavic since I acquired it. I've read about some crashes attributed to RTH, but most I've seen end up usually being pilot error somehow in the long run.
As far as RTH and crashes, I do not know anything about that, having never experienced that problem - or any problems whatsoever - with my Mavic since I acquired it. I've read about some crashes attributed to RTH, but most I've seen end up usually being pilot error somehow in the long run.