For those of you who have been flying for a while, what do you suggest as the best way learning to visualize your drone in flight? Should I focus more on the drone itself or should I focus more on the controller and screen? I am keeping my mini within VLOS yet flew it into some tree branches in my yard while watching the drone & not the screen. I’m afraid I’ll do that once I start venturing out perhaps over water or at a higher altitude.
Certainly flying close to something is difficult if you are not standing right next to it. For what I call "Precision Flying" at a distance, here is what I do (THIS WORKS ON AN MP OR MPP, I CANNOT SPEAK FOR OTHER AIRCRAFT!)
The camera has to be in it's "level" position, not pitched up or down. Turn on the grid pattern in Go 4. Then anything that is outside of the center box (marked with an X) will not be in the path of the AC. I have calibrated the box both top, bottom and sides, and there is plenty of clearance even though it looks too close!. If you are so inclined, you can verify this by setting up a vertical 8 foot stick, then fly slowly by it while observing the offset distance as the stick gets close to any of the center box lines.
I have used this method to fly close to and rotate around trees and other non-human objects. Remember to keep the camera level.