Hello everyone,
I found your website while searching for answers to a few queries regarding drone restriction. I purchased my very first drone 3 weeks ago. A Mavic Air 2 and I'm loving every second I'm out flying. I did quite a bit of research on drones and which was best suited for me. But I certainly did not research the amount of restrictions that are place on drones these days. Had I known, I would have continued to enjoy watching YouTube channels and admire from a far. But there's no turning back for me now
. So here I am joining your forum.
I found your website while searching for answers to a few queries regarding drone restriction. I purchased my very first drone 3 weeks ago. A Mavic Air 2 and I'm loving every second I'm out flying. I did quite a bit of research on drones and which was best suited for me. But I certainly did not research the amount of restrictions that are place on drones these days. Had I known, I would have continued to enjoy watching YouTube channels and admire from a far. But there's no turning back for me now