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New to the MP, question about 5D button while using DJI Goggles


Feb 7, 2018
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if someone could answer a couple of questions for me as I'm pretty new to the MP. First off, I'm coming from a Parrot Bebop 2 drone and my initial thoughts in comparison is that the Bebop 2 actually feels like it flies and handles better. I say this because of the way the Bebop 2 banks when it turns. The banks make it super easy to turn and manuerver over smaller areas. It seems like the MP doesnt really bank it moreso yaws perfectly level in every turn as if its sliding across the sky versus banking like an airplane with the exception of fixed wing mode where it does bank more easily. Does anyone else notice this or has anyone had the chance to compare as I have? I'm curious to know if maybe I just don't have a setting turned on or something that would allow me to fly a little more easily in terms of banking in my turns. My second question has to do with the 5D button. I noticed when NOT using the DJI goggles I can zoom in and out using the 5D button by pressing it left or right. However, when I'm using the DJI goggles the 5D button is not accessible for those options because the 5D button scrolls through the interface on the screen in the goggles. There are three options in the goggles on the right of the airplane, something else, and settings I beleieve...Is there a way to get those off the screen in the googgles so the 5D button can be used to zoom in and out as you can when not using the goggles?
It seems like the MP doesnt really bank it moreso yaws perfectly level in every turn as if its sliding across the sky versus banking like an airplane with the exception of fixed wing mode where it does bank more easily.
If you want the video to appear as if the drone is banking, then set the Gimbal Mode setting to "FPV" in the following section of DJI GO:

Thanks, but I like the video coming in level as if its NOT banking (Gimble Mode)...thats fine. But with the Parrot, there was an option like this too where you could have the video remain level or bank..But, even when you elected to have the video appear level and not show the crafts banks, it was still actually banking when it turned. So when flying it you could see the drone baking in the air when you turned but the video remained this possible with the Mavic? Below is the option for banked turns for the Parrot Bebop 2...I'm hoping MP can do this too...

Parrot Bebop 2 banked turn option.png
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So when flying it you could see the drone baking in the air when you turned but the video remained this possible with the Mavic?
No, that's not possible.

Perhaps some type of racing drone would be a better fit for you?
No, that's not possible.

Perhaps some type of racing drone would be a better fit for you?
Ahh, well I love the MP so far...I just feel like the Parrot 2 handles better. But oh well, i'll get used to it I guess. Is anyone able to answer my question about the 5D button? Can you zoom in and out wiht the 5D button when using the goggles?
Can you zoom in and out wiht the 5D button when using the goggles?
You cannot use the buttons configured in DJI GO since the goggles take over the 5D controls when connected. To zoom, press the C1 button on the back of the Mavic remote controller and then press the 5D button to the right to zoom in (or to the left to zoom out).
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