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Offloading footage from internal memory to the internal SD card ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2018
Is there a quick way to put back a few clips which were recorded to internal memory onto a freshly inserted mSD card.

Scenario > Drone is in the air, after few shots runs out of SD card space, so records on internal memory. I land, insert new blank card, now want the few clips on the internal ram to move onto the card since ive inserted a fresh blank card. Possible ?

Other methods of copying out to computer etc im aware of. Want to know only if i can do the above on the fly and on the spot.
Scenario > Drone is in the air, after few shots runs out of SD card space, so records on internal memory. I land, insert new blank card, now want the few clips on the internal ram to move onto the card since ive inserted a fresh blank card. Possible ?
Copy to your computer and from there to the SD card.
But why would you want to store files on the card you fly with?
If you value the files, don't send them flying.
No, there isn't.

But you can delete clips from the card while in the air, unless you really screwed up whatever's on there from previous flights will have been backed up already.
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Copy to your computer and from there to the SD card.
But why would you want to store files on the card you fly with?
If you value the files, don't send them flying.

Hmmm maybe the question didn't word out well enough. This is not to store files. That's why i gave an example scenario. This is to avoid having to come back home and power up the drone, connect to the computer etc which is a more long drawn out process (for me at least).

Here is one more example.

In the air and shooting. Card is full error message pops up. You quickly shift to internal storage as an exigency memory (because you cant come back to this spot again to do this shot or wait any longer here to land and put in a new card). So one file alone is on the internal memory. You land. As your sitting in the car being driven to the next location, you insert a fresh SD card and you want things in sequence. So you would like the one fragmented file to come back onto the new SD card so you can continue shooting in sequence as if nothing had happened. Later on at home you wont have to bother with C cables and powering up the drone etc just to copy out that one file. There's also a possibility you might forget about the lone file on the internal memory. Hope this explains the scenario better.
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Hmmm maybe the question didn't word out well enough. This is not to store files. That's why i gave an example scenario. This is to avoid having to come back home and power up the drone, connect to the computer etc which is a more long drawn out process (for me at least).
Way too complicated a scenario.
Just avoid having your SD card fill up during flights - that's not hard to do.
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The scenario isnt that complicated actually. The question was basically, can we transfer a file from internal memory onto a fresh inserted SD card using only the drone.

And I vote Kilrah's answer "No, there isn't." as the most practical answer.
Way too complicated a scenario.
Just avoid having your SD card fill up during flights - that's not hard to do.

The scenario isnt that complicated actually. The question was basically, can we transfer a file from internal memory onto a fresh inserted SD card using only the drone.

And I vote Kilrah's answer "No, there isn't." as the most practical answer.
What Meta was getting at was avoid the problem altogether and always change cards on every flight.
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