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Oh Dear my first altercation, Poor Fella


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2024
Cobh, Co Cork Republic of Ireland
Oh Dear ! Poor Fella

I had my first altercation today, down at my usual fly area, Cuskinny Bay, only one other vehicle on the car park a very posh and expensive Range Rover, I sat at the picnic table and started my usual pre-flight routine checks, Max height, RTH altitude, props check etc etc.
Suddenly this tall fella appeared from nowhere with this thing under his arm that looked like a NASA space probe that had just returned from a 3 year mission to Mars. The following conversation then happened, I can remember it word for word so I wrote this as soon as I came back home. I consider meself a patient fella but when pushed a little too far...........

Him, "Hi, I'm ***** ******** - ****** (double barrelled surname), CEO of ******** Industrial, can I ask if you are intending to fly that "THING" here today ?"
Not an Irish accent
Me, "I am yeah"
By now he was really close up and was towering over me like a naughty schoolboy, must have been at least 6' 3", I'm 5' 7"
Him, "Can I ask if its licenced and registered ?
Me, (still very politely but this fella seemed really threatening and his attitude was awful) ,"My drones under 250 grams so it doesn't need to be, it's actually 243 grams, and before you ask, No, this isn't a no fly zone the nearest one is 30 miles away round Cork airport, there's a bird sanctuary to the East that my App warns me should be avoided, so I do"
I could feel my blood starting to just slightly simmer and I thought to meself, sorry bud but do ye realise you're in Ireland ? Don't mess with us, we only tolerate snobby eejits like you for so long, don't push me buttons for too much longer coz I'm likely to explode into your worst F****** nightmare.
Him, "I'm here to survey the whole area for the installation of waste water sewerage pipelines and I'd be grateful if you kept out of my way"
Me, "I'm here for pleasure so could you can stay out of mine please ?"
At this stage my internal hand grenade started It's countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,...............................
Him, "Have you any Idea how much this aircraft of mine is worth ?"
Me, "No, mine was €349 in Harvey Normans sale"
Him, "£5,500"
Me, "Really ? DJI sell one that could probably do a better job at a third of that price"
Him, "Do you live locally ? Where abouts ?
Me, "I do yeah but I don't divulge personal information to folks I don't know"
Him, "I find your attitude frankly appalling"
Seriously , he was now very intimidating and spoke to me like I was like something he'd trod in.
I'd honestly spoke quietly, politely and calmly to this fella so far, he was obviously not prepared to come to any compromise or agreement.
3, 2, 1, ............BOOM !!!!! The hand grenade exploded.
Me, "Listen, the sound of your voice is really grating on my nerves now, my AIRCRAFT has directional avoidance detection in it's bottom, does yours ? I hope so coz that THING of yours is likely to be inserted right up your arse if you don't get out of my face and **** *FF"
He was lost for words and got in his Range Rover and left, hopefully taught a lesson to not mess with the Irish, I actually took the time to wave him a fond farewell on his way out of the car park.
Oh Dear ! Poor Fella

I had my first altercation today, down at my usual fly area, Cuskinny Bay, only one other vehicle on the car park a very posh and expensive Range Rover, I sat at the picnic table and started my usual pre-flight routine checks, Max height, RTH altitude, props check etc etc.
Suddenly this tall fella appeared from nowhere with this thing under his arm that looked like a NASA space probe that had just returned from a 3 year mission to Mars. The following conversation then happened, I can remember it word for word so I wrote this as soon as I came back home. I consider meself a patient fella but when pushed a little too far...........

Him, "Hi, I'm ***** ******** - ****** (double barrelled surname), CEO of ******** Industrial, can I ask if you are intending to fly that "THING" here today ?"
Not an Irish accent
Me, "I am yeah"
By now he was really close up and was towering over me like a naughty schoolboy, must have been at least 6' 3", I'm 5' 7"
Him, "Can I ask if its licenced and registered ?
Me, (still very politely but this fella seemed really threatening and his attitude was awful) ,"My drones under 250 grams so it doesn't need to be, it's actually 243 grams, and before you ask, No, this isn't a no fly zone the nearest one is 30 miles away round Cork airport, there's a bird sanctuary to the East that my App warns me should be avoided, so I do"
I could feel my blood starting to just slightly simmer and I thought to meself, sorry bud but do ye realise you're in Ireland ? Don't mess with us, we only tolerate snobby eejits like you for so long, don't push me buttons for too much longer coz I'm likely to explode into your worst F****** nightmare.
Him, "I'm here to survey the whole area for the installation of waste water sewerage pipelines and I'd be grateful if you kept out of my way"
Me, "I'm here for pleasure so could you can stay out of mine please ?"
At this stage my internal hand grenade started It's countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,...............................
Him, "Have you any Idea how much this aircraft of mine is worth ?"
Me, "No, mine was €349 in Harvey Normans sale"
Him, "£5,500"
Me, "Really ? DJI sell one that could probably do a better job at a third of that price"
Him, "Do you live locally ? Where abouts ?
Me, "I do yeah but I don't divulge personal information to folks I don't know"
Him, "I find your attitude frankly appalling"
Seriously , he was now very intimidating and spoke to me like I was like something he'd trod in.
I'd honestly spoke quietly, politely and calmly to this fella so far, he was obviously not prepared to come to any compromise or agreement.
3, 2, 1, ............BOOM !!!!! The hand grenade exploded.
Me, "Listen, the sound of your voice is really grating on my nerves now, my AIRCRAFT has directional avoidance detection in it's bottom, does yours ? I hope so coz that THING of yours is likely to be inserted right up your arse if you don't get out of my face and **** *FF"
He was lost for words and got in his Range Rover and left, hopefully taught a lesson to not mess with the Irish, I actually took the time to wave him a fond farewell on his way out of the car park.
I hope you only used one finger to wave him farewell🤣 What a “tosser”
Not surprised. Everyone who flies a drone in public for any fair of amount of time these days will eventually meet a confrontation; it's a matter of when not if.
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Him, "I find your attitude frankly appalling"
I think I would have too.

Why were you so resentful and aggressive ?
It was completely unnecessary.

All you needed to do was show a little interest in his commercial drone.
Ask about his planned flight and work out how to do your flying without risk to either drone.
I think if you read it again it was more sarcasm than aggression on my part, and right at the end I never even raised my voice, also I didn't post this thread for congratulations but looking back that's the majority of what's been posted so far, we're a tolerant bunch us Irish but this fella really treated me awfully and spoke to me like a second class human being, he had it coming, if anyone wants me to take the post down I will
Oh Dear ! Poor Fella

I had my first altercation today, down at my usual fly area, Cuskinny Bay, only one other vehicle on the car park a very posh and expensive Range Rover, I sat at the picnic table and started my usual pre-flight routine checks, Max height, RTH altitude, props check etc etc.
Suddenly this tall fella appeared from nowhere with this thing under his arm that looked like a NASA space probe that had just returned from a 3 year mission to Mars. The following conversation then happened, I can remember it word for word so I wrote this as soon as I came back home. I consider meself a patient fella but when pushed a little too far...........

Him, "Hi, I'm ***** ******** - ****** (double barrelled surname), CEO of ******** Industrial, can I ask if you are intending to fly that "THING" here today ?"
Not an Irish accent
Me, "I am yeah"
By now he was really close up and was towering over me like a naughty schoolboy, must have been at least 6' 3", I'm 5' 7"
Him, "Can I ask if its licenced and registered ?
Me, (still very politely but this fella seemed really threatening and his attitude was awful) ,"My drones under 250 grams so it doesn't need to be, it's actually 243 grams, and before you ask, No, this isn't a no fly zone the nearest one is 30 miles away round Cork airport, there's a bird sanctuary to the East that my App warns me should be avoided, so I do"
I could feel my blood starting to just slightly simmer and I thought to meself, sorry bud but do ye realise you're in Ireland ? Don't mess with us, we only tolerate snobby eejits like you for so long, don't push me buttons for too much longer coz I'm likely to explode into your worst F****** nightmare.
Him, "I'm here to survey the whole area for the installation of waste water sewerage pipelines and I'd be grateful if you kept out of my way"
Me, "I'm here for pleasure so could you can stay out of mine please ?"
At this stage my internal hand grenade started It's countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,...............................
Him, "Have you any Idea how much this aircraft of mine is worth ?"
Me, "No, mine was €349 in Harvey Normans sale"
Him, "£5,500"
Me, "Really ? DJI sell one that could probably do a better job at a third of that price"
Him, "Do you live locally ? Where abouts ?
Me, "I do yeah but I don't divulge personal information to folks I don't know"
Him, "I find your attitude frankly appalling"
Seriously , he was now very intimidating and spoke to me like I was like something he'd trod in.
I'd honestly spoke quietly, politely and calmly to this fella so far, he was obviously not prepared to come to any compromise or agreement.
3, 2, 1, ............BOOM !!!!! The hand grenade exploded.
Me, "Listen, the sound of your voice is really grating on my nerves now, my AIRCRAFT has directional avoidance detection in it's bottom, does yours ? I hope so coz that THING of yours is likely to be inserted right up your arse if you don't get out of my face and **** *FF"
He was lost for words and got in his Range Rover and left, hopefully taught a lesson to not mess with the Irish, I actually took the time to wave him a fond farewell on his way out of the car park.
Good for you.
In Miami, there is a high chance of the other guy having a gun. We have a lot of hot tempered people here.
I think if you read it again it was more sarcasm than aggression on my part, and right at the end I never even raised my voice, also I didn't post this thread for congratulations but looking back that's the majority of what's been posted so far, we're a tolerant bunch us Irish
I read it twice and what came across was your resentment and intolerance of someone else with a drone in the same spot.
but this fella really treated me awfully and spoke to me like a second class human being, he had it coming,
That didn't come through in your telling of the story.
It seemed that it was all in your imagination.
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Passing no judgement on the OPs experience.

As an alternative, I take a much less aggressive approach when (rarely) confronted, for two main reasons: I'm 62, and unlike the Toby Keith song in a fight I'm not as even good once as I once was, and two, as misbehavior unfolds, I don't want to have any that can be attributed to me, AT ALL, if anything goes sideways and authorities get involved.

If I'm just flying for fun somewhere I fly all the time and there's nothing special about the outing, I'll usually tell them I'm happy to share the locale, I'm coming back to land, and hope they enjoy their time using the park.

There are so many places I can fly if I'm just buzzing around playing Chuck Yeager in FPV. Had a bad experience like this Monday, with some dude who must O.D. on steroids every few hours. When I was friendly and accommodating despite his aggressive, angry questioning, it just made him madder. Some people.

Landed, wished him well, called me an a**hole, and I left. My pride gets bruised and like any man the temptation to fight back is hard to resist, but minutes after leaving, like always, I'm glad I didn't. It's one of those situations where you legitimately feel like a superior human being, and are.
Passing no judgement on the OPs experience.

As an alternative, I take a much less aggressive approach when (rarely) confronted, for two main reasons: I'm 62, and unlike the Toby Keith song in a fight I'm not as even good once as I once was, and two, as misbehavior unfolds, I don't want to have any that can be attributed to me, AT ALL, if anything goes sideways and authorities get involved.

If I'm just flying for fun somewhere I fly all the time and there's nothing special about the outing, I'll usually tell them I'm happy to share the locale, I'm coming back to land, and hope they enjoy their time using the park.

There are so many places I can fly if I'm just buzzing around playing Chuck Yeager in FPV. Had a bad experience like this Monday, with some dude who must O.D. on steroids every few hours. When I was friendly and accommodating despite his aggressive, angry questioning, it just made him madder. Some people.

Landed, wished him well, called me an a**hole, and I left. My pride gets bruised and like any man the temptation to fight back is hard to resist, but minutes after leaving, like always, I'm glad I didn't. It's one of those situations where you legitimately feel like a superior human being, and are.
Yes- I would tend to agree. At age 85, I certainly am in no position to challenge anyone. Road rage is not a great satisfaction if you get your face bashed in at the very least. Folding cards and moving on is my modus operandi.
It is not worth the temporary satisfaction of "winning." There is plenty of sky out there for another day or a brief drive to the next spot. As I have said many times on this forum, find a nice shady area from under a tree, go up as fast as possible, do your thing, come down and pack it away as fast as possible. I avoided an actual arrest doing this one time (I explained that episode here once- Nearly arrested by Micosukkie Indian tribe police when I tried to fly at the Guitar Hotel. My drone was up and down and packed away in record time. I don't wear neon vests with "Official FAA Drone Pilot" on it.
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There's no point in arguing with random people, the chance of a midflight collision of two drones is quite unlikely unless you are chasing the same objective, like a moving car for example.

It has happend ofc, but chances are really low, the three-dimensional space is quite huge, and the drones are little.
There's no point in arguing with random people, the chance of a midflight collision of two drones is quite unlikely unless you are chasing the same objective, like a moving car for example.

It has happend ofc, but chances are really low, the three-dimensional space is quite huge, and the drones are little.
There doesn't have to be a collision, people generally get triggered when there is a *near* collision even if there is a 100 yards difference. If you see the other drone in your camera view, then it's too close.

The phrase "Kept out of my way" tends to indicate you don't want any distractions or anyone near you and it's code for "the space belongs to you now and/or please leave." Passive aggressiveness can easily be detected in some people and it tends to be just as bothersome as open hostility.
Oh Dear ! Poor Fella

I had my first altercation today, down at my usual fly area, Cuskinny Bay, only one other vehicle on the car park a very posh and expensive Range Rover, I sat at the picnic table and started my usual pre-flight routine checks, Max height, RTH altitude, props check etc etc.
Suddenly this tall fella appeared from nowhere with this thing under his arm that looked like a NASA space probe that had just returned from a 3 year mission to Mars. The following conversation then happened, I can remember it word for word so I wrote this as soon as I came back home. I consider meself a patient fella but when pushed a little too far...........

Him, "Hi, I'm ***** ******** - ****** (double barrelled surname), CEO of ******** Industrial, can I ask if you are intending to fly that "THING" here today ?"
Not an Irish accent
Me, "I am yeah"
By now he was really close up and was towering over me like a naughty schoolboy, must have been at least 6' 3", I'm 5' 7"
Him, "Can I ask if its licenced and registered ?
Me, (still very politely but this fella seemed really threatening and his attitude was awful) ,"My drones under 250 grams so it doesn't need to be, it's actually 243 grams, and before you ask, No, this isn't a no fly zone the nearest one is 30 miles away round Cork airport, there's a bird sanctuary to the East that my App warns me should be avoided, so I do"
I could feel my blood starting to just slightly simmer and I thought to meself, sorry bud but do ye realise you're in Ireland ? Don't mess with us, we only tolerate snobby eejits like you for so long, don't push me buttons for too much longer coz I'm likely to explode into your worst F****** nightmare.
Him, "I'm here to survey the whole area for the installation of waste water sewerage pipelines and I'd be grateful if you kept out of my way"
Me, "I'm here for pleasure so could you can stay out of mine please ?"
At this stage my internal hand grenade started It's countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,...............................
Him, "Have you any Idea how much this aircraft of mine is worth ?"
Me, "No, mine was €349 in Harvey Normans sale"
Him, "£5,500"
Me, "Really ? DJI sell one that could probably do a better job at a third of that price"
Him, "Do you live locally ? Where abouts ?
Me, "I do yeah but I don't divulge personal information to folks I don't know"
Him, "I find your attitude frankly appalling"
Seriously , he was now very intimidating and spoke to me like I was like something he'd trod in.
I'd honestly spoke quietly, politely and calmly to this fella so far, he was obviously not prepared to come to any compromise or agreement.
3, 2, 1, ............BOOM !!!!! The hand grenade exploded.
Me, "Listen, the sound of your voice is really grating on my nerves now, my AIRCRAFT has directional avoidance detection in it's bottom, does yours ? I hope so coz that THING of yours is likely to be inserted right up your arse if you don't get out of my face and **** *FF"
He was lost for words and got in his Range Rover and left, hopefully taught a lesson to not mess with the Irish, I actually took the time to wave him a fond farewell on his way out of the car park.
Hey Murph66, did you say, that he left in his LR and was heading to the local hospital to have a UFO removed from his hind quarters…wasn’t quite clear. Anyways, way to stand up without having to get physical because it would be a lot of work stuffing something so expensive up there.

Hope you have many peaceful, uninterrupted, and safe flights in the future.

Him, "I'm here to survey the whole area for the installation of waste water sewerage pipelines and I'd be grateful if you kept out of my way"
Me, "I'm here for pleasure so could you can stay out of mine please ?"

You both sound like jerks, so setting tone and attitude aside I'll say that I'm with the other guy in this situation. If a person is there to do a job, seemingly at the request of the local government, I think it's polite to defer to them, especially if you're just out for fun. Again, not excusing his tone, but I think it's reasonable for someone in his position to inform any recreational flyers of what he's doing and ask that they steer clear while he does his work. Like even if I was doing photos/videos of an event or something for fun, and someone who had been hired by the event organizers to do photo/video was there, I would say "I will make sure to keep out of your way" not "well I'm here for fun so stay out of mine." JFC dude.
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Thanks for the replies, you're all entitled to your opinion, I wasn't intending to annoy anyone and apologise if a few of you thought it was my fault , but as for it being Quote "It seemed that it was all in your imagination" I can assure you it definitely wasn't and still can't see anything I said as being "Aggressive"
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Hey Murph66, did you say, that he left in his LR and was heading to the local hospital to have a UFO removed from his hind quarters…wasn’t quite clear. Anyways, way to stand up without having to get physical because it would be a lot of work stuffing something so expensive up there.

Hope you have many peaceful, uninterrupted, and safe flights in the future.

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You both sound like jerks, so setting tone and attitude aside I'll say that I'm with the other guy in this situation. If a person is there to do a job, seemingly at the request of the local government, I think it's polite to defer to them, especially if you're just out for fun. Again, not excusing his tone, but I think it's reasonable for someone in his position to inform any recreational flyers of what he's doing and ask that they steer clear while he does his work. Like even if I was doing photos/videos of an event or something for fun, and someone who had been hired by the event organizers to do photo/video was there, I would say "I will make sure to keep out of your way" not "well I'm here for fun so stay out of mine." JFC dude.
The only reason why I cannot agree with giving priority to government tasks is because once you do that, it comes with statutes and ordinances along with sanctions and penalties backed up with the use of force....and it all goes downhill from there. I would prefer to keep it respectable and civil and that would include as you mentioned, some form of deference which is natural but it shouldn't depend on why the other person is there (i.e. just for fun). For example, when people go to the park (a place for recreational activities) then that should be the priority. Sorta like turning on the sprinklers or mowing the grass in the park. I wouldn't expect the crew to ask the team to vacate the field for the remainder of the evening because they're here to start trimming the hedges that surround the field.
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