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Overseas trip

Angel new MA2

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2020
Kfar Saba Israel
I’m prep eating for a flight from ISRAEL to Romania and back
I wish to take my MA2 as there are beautiful wild sites in Romania
I’m not sure about regulations regarding taking the batteries on board
Will be great if one can indicate if I may encounter problems at checking in
My best advice would be to contact your airline( both ways if you're changing carrier to save money) as well as your and the destination country air authority. I cant give you a truly informed answer about your particular circumstance but here in the US the FAA has strict guidelines on battery capacity, both individual and collective, and its my understanding that as soon as you go international you also have to comply with their regulatory equivalent. As a totally hypothetical example because I dont feel like tracking down all the hard numbers and rules: if FAA allows me to carry 1 MA2 battery and store another in cargo but The TCCA only allows for 1 carry on, or possibly none because of its size, then I have to abide by the stricter rule. Add in to that some airlines here add on their own rules about batteries or interpretation of them and it becomes very hard to know exactly what you can and cannot do. And don't forget that some countries don't allow drones over 250g, some require you to be a citizen, others won't allow any drones at all.
Try Google- use terms like "Romania Drone Laws"
if FAA allows me to carry 1 MA2 battery and store another in cargo but The TCCA only allows for 1 carry on, or possibly none because of its size, then I have to abide by the stricter rule.
No airline or aviation safety body allows you to put spare batteries in cargo.
They must be carried in carry-on.
Go to your airline's website and search for Lithium or Batteries and you'll find their rules.
I check and there is an association called AACR aligned to European drones regulations
I must have Romanian ID and address to use drones over 250g
No airline or aviation safety body allows you to put spare batteries in cargo.
They must be carried you need to make sure of ALL regulations on both ends as they may differ.
The point i was trying to make is that regulations, and how they are interpreted, differ between jurisdictions and airlines. The FAA is the leading authority and a lot of countries use them as at least the basis of their rules but its not exclusive. I bought a large powerbank with removable cores a few years ago only after a ton of research on the matter. The watts and amps fell just, but completely, inside the regulations posted on the FAA site. I had checked with DHS for corroboration and followed through with the airline too. All checked out. When I went to check in for my return flight they first made me power on the unit and switch out the batteries to ensure they were all real just like when I flew out but upon further inspection they said I was over the capacity limit and I couldn't take any of them with me and this was a domestic flight with the same carrier. I showed pdf documentation as well as links and pointed out how I had flown in with them to begin with to no avail and had to have a family member come pick them up because I wasn't about to toss $800 in batteries or risk making a mad dash to package and ship them properly while still getting to my flight in time.
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No airline or aviation safety body allows you to put spare batteries in cargo.
They must be carried in carry-on.
Always carry drone and batteries on
Use li po battery cases from Amazon to separate them too
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Here's a link to the res... and contact info to verify what you want to do in Romania is will be legal
The point i was trying to make is that regulations, and how they are interpreted, differ between jurisdictions and airlines. The FAA is the leading authority and a lot of countries use them as at least the basis of their rules
The rules are very similar across the world and are based on IATA guidelines
upon further inspection they said I was over the capacity limit and I couldn't take any of them with me
Perhaps you are talking about a large powerbank.
The size limit is 100 Watt-hours and all DJI consumer batteries are well under that.
They all have their capacity in Wh printed on them too.
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