After a Phantom 1 with a GoPro 3, and then a Phantom 3 with ultimately a "pro" camera, I bought a
Mavic Air 2. I got it from the catalog internet place B&H. I've purchased other equipment from them and have been fine with it. Admittedly not really well-versed in drone cameras, I asked the salesman if the photo and video quality would be as good as my previous Phantom, and he said it would be better. It is definitely NOT. It's not even quite equal.
I love the way it flies, handles, the RTH capabilities, and lots of the other aspects of the
Air 2, but the main reason I have it is for photography and I'm anything but thrilled. I've had it for awhile now, but today thought I'd let them know that I wasn't happy with the salesman telling me what I wanted to hear, just so he could make a sale. Ironically, if he'd taken a minute to find out, I would probably have gone up a notch or two and he'd have gotten a larger commission. But no, he just decided to make the sale and be done with it.
B&H's reply was mostly, "Uh, sorry." I'm not sure what I expected them to say, but I'd think they'd be more concerned about their salespeople's techniques.
True, I could have done more homework, but he could have also asked me to hold for a moment while HE looked into it... better yet, he could have been knowledgeable about the products he was selling and not made up the answers.
OK, I'm vented. Thank you.