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Picture freeze on phone


Active Member
Apr 15, 2018

The other day when i was flying, suddenly picture frezzes on my phone. Everything else was working - all other info in the app. So i cant blame app. Thanks god, that map was still working so i could land safetly.

So, when i got mavic in eyesight, i decided to try solve what was going on, so i restart app and RC. Nothing happend... app and rc connected normally, but the picture was still frezze.

So t must be camera error on drone. When i landed, i restart the drone, and picture came back...

How can i prevent that to happen in future?
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The other day when i was flying, suddenly picture frezzes on my phone. Everything else was working - all other info in the app. So i cant blame app. Thanks god, that map was still working so i could land safetly.

So, when i got mavic in eyesight, i decided to try solve what was going on, so i restart app and RC. Nothing happend... app and rc connected normally, but the picture was still frezze.

So t must be camera error on drone. When i landed, i restart the drone, and picture came back...

How can i prevent that to happen in future?

Picture freeze happens when the phone can’t process the live feed, it’s bapoened to all of us at some point and can be scary, land and restart and it may not do it again, what phone are you using and what app version?

The other day when i was flying, suddenly picture frezzes on my phone. Everything else was working - all other info in the app. So i cant blame app. Thanks god, that map was still working so i could land safetly.

So, when i got mavic in eyesight, i decided to try solve what was going on, so i restart app and RC. Nothing happend... app and rc connected normally, but the picture was still frezze.

So t must be camera error on drone. When i landed, i restart the drone, and picture came back...

How can i prevent that to happen in future?
Hi there.

Did you ever get a solution to this as I have the same issue. I have had it the last 3 flights, the first time I thought it was as I was at quite a range, 2 miles away. I landed and shut off the drone, restarted it and all was ok so I forgot about it. The second time was the same but I was only 1/4 mile away at most. The third time was yesterday and I was trying my newly acquired DJI goggles, they worked brilliantly but I took them off to land as I was dubious about trying to land with the goggles on.......................and I saw the phone screen had frozen again.

Every time the maps still work on the app, just the camera image freezes and only works again if I shut down the drone and restart it.

My phone is a Sony Xperia 10 so not very old.

Anybody got any ideas?
I use the iPhone 11 Pro Max and had same issue. I stopped using that angled cable on side, got a 6” usb cable and never had issue again.
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