Automatic settings are good for familiarizing yourself with the settings, but you need everything in manual to get truly cinematic shots. (including white balance). The first thing I recommend is a set of ND filters for the Mavic. They're relatively cheap on amazon, and they make a HUGE difference with your footage.
First thing when you take off is a controlled hover near by. While your letting the bird stretch out a little bit, open your picture settings and fix your ISO. (High numbers for low light filming, low numbers for bright daylight) So for the picture above it should be set to 100 (lowest)
Then you can use the spin wheel to change the exposure. Assuming your filming at 30 FPS you're going for an exposure of 60 - 120, that's going to give you the best motion blur. If you find you need a very high exposure number, it's time to put a darker ND filter on the lens.
The ND filters are the key, and if you hang around here for a little while you'll see people say that often.