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Power Saving RTH explanation


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Oct 27, 2020
South Florida
The latest manual, page 13 reads:

"Power Saving RTH (Return to Home and Land) Procedure:
During Straight Line RTH, if the distance is farther than 400 m and the
altitude is more than 90 m higher than the RTH altitude as well as more than 290 m higher than the home point, a prompt appears in DJI Fly asking the user if they wish to enter Return to Home and Land in order to save power."

I am trying to understand the blue text, what does it means? Little confusing to me. Thanks.
In order to make that option available it is my understanding that the drone must simultaneously be
1) more that 290m above the homepoint and
2) 90 above the RTH height and
3) more than 450m away from the home point

So, distance acceptable, if the drone was less than 290m above the home point the option is not available, nor would it be available if the drone was say at 300m above the home point but with the RTH height set at 270m. (Why is the RTH height a consdideration? Possibly so that by the time it is appoaching the home point on that flight path it is not below or excessively below the RTH height)

Going by the diagram is seems to me to be a flight path descending at "16.7"deg intended to bring the drone down from height to 200m as it reaches the home point and leaving a 200m vetrical descent to finish. That's still an awfully long way down at 3m/s.

I did something similar with my MM when I accidentally set the RTH height to 875ft, in my case I brought it down with the throttle fully closed whilst heading for home (left stick fully down, right stick fully up/forwards)
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In order to make that option available it is my understanding that the drone must simultaneously be
1) more that 290m above the homepoint and
2) 90 above the RTH height and
3) more than 450m away from the home point

So, distance acceptable, if the drone was less than 290m above the home point the option is not available, nor would it be available if the drone was say at 300m above the home point but with the RTH height set at 270m. (Why is the RTH height a consdideration? Possibly so that by the time it is appoaching the home point on that flight path it is not below or excessively below the RTH height)

Going by the diagram is seems to me to be a flight path descending at 16.7deg intended to bring the drone down from height to 200m as it reaches the home point and leaving a 200m vetrical descent to finish. That's still an awfully long way down at 3m/s.

I did something similar with my MM when I accidentally set the RTH height to 875ft, in my case I brought it down with the throttle fully closed whilst heading for home (left stick fully down, right stick fully up/forwards)
Thanks Philius, now it does makes sense. :)
I do think this descending flight path makes sense and I wouldn't mind it being an option on the M2's but the heights in the manual are 'rather' high and the 200m above the home point breaks the rules in many countries
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