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RTH Changed Automatically

Thank-you, I understand the proceedure now but was unaware of it at the time of the incident. Again, I did not enter this safety menu and did not change the home location in this way.

Someone did.
That can't just happen sporadically.
My suspicions are with whoever was holding the controller at the time.
Can these drones be hacked and sent to their doom?
There's no need to invoke a mysterious explanation for something so simple and where the flight data shows exactly what happened.

If you had been aware of what was going on, it would have taken 3 seconds to cancel the RTH as your drone RTH'd to the reset home point in the distance.
Drones don't get "hacked" and flown off.
I was watching your flight log and the stick moments, Human Panic Mode!
To many things that you didn't know about yet.

I would have done everything backwards, than what you did, never turned it on. 👌

Somebody on these forums, Said something?
If your afraid your going to crash it, leave it the box. :)

@Meta4 !!


Welcome to the forum.

Rod ..
Live and learn...I've had a replacement for about a month now and guess what, it's still in the box.
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GPS spoofing can happen and homepoint changed beyond your control but it seems @Meta4 has ruled this out
Is there a motive?
Why anybody would have that knowledge and equipment to do this
Sorry, I had to give my thought.

Rod ...

Edit, this thread going stupid, I will stay in the back ground,
I'm going to go with that.
You can do whatever helps you avoid facing facts, but the data plainly shows that there was no nefarious GPS spoofing or homepoint changing.
That's not something that any member of this forum has ever seen happen in the last 10 years, because it just doesn't happen.
Pretending that some magic effect caused your problem won't help you to understand how your drone works and become a better flyer in future.
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hi, welcome to the forum.

Allow me to further elaborate on Meta4's explanation. Three Home Point (HP) was set throughout the flight, as explained by Meta4. The third HP was set at 1 min 0.8s. At 1 min 27.6s , the pilot changed flight mode to Go Home. The drone responded accordingly, ascend to 331 ft and heading to the 3rd HP. Upon arriving the 3rd HP, it descended to 121.4 ft at 3 min 21s and the pilot changed flight mode back to P-GPS. By then, battery level was 42%

Around 5 min later, at 8 min 34.5s, there was the low battery warning. The battery level was only 20%. 4 seconds later, the flight mode changed to Go Home for the second time in the flight. Like the first time, it ascend to 330 ft and head towards the 3rd HP. Pilot had no stick control during this period. Upon arriving, it descended as programmed. at 9 min 51.3 it descend to 38.7 ft and the radio link between the controller and drone disconnected, presumably because it was blocked by the terrain. No stick input recorded during this round of Go Home.

Is it a pilot error?
First, set aside why the HP was updated three times in the flight.

In the first "Go Home", the pilot should know exactly where the HP was set. If at that time, the pilot thought that there was something wrong with the drone, the most appropriate action would be manually controlling the drone and fly it home.

Yet, the flight continued in manual mode. It was not a big problem, even with the relative low battery level as the drone was only about 1800 ft (600 meters) away. The pilot did not take this 5 min opportunity to adjust/ amend the HP.

Then when the battery level drop to critical low level, the drone acted as it should: landing to the HP. Once again, the pilot had taken no actions. By the time the battery level became too low, the pilot may not be able to have full control over the drone. But that is not what we have in the current case.

All records indicated that the drone was acting according to it's design and direction. The pilot either ignored to the actual flight behavior or unaware of the procedure.

The only think DJI can be blamed is that it makes the drone too easy to flight and too many pilot overlook relevant procedures as they should.

I wish all the luck (and skill) in the future flight.
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Many people ask for dynamic home point updating based on the location of the controller. The reason is so you can ride a bike and have the drone follow you and if you disconnect or fail to realize the battery is low (because you remote is in your bag) or you drop your remote in the lake at your destination or while in a boat, the drone won't fly off back to home somewhere you're not at. Problem is, without good management, your drone might end up somewhere it shouldn't land and I guess DJI just isn't that interested just yet in dealing with it. Especially when the follow-me drone model is not the predominant use case.

So it seems manual update home point is the only available option but we need to quickly get AI involved that can question the pilot, make sense of some of the actions, and learn not to do things like land in middle of a lake. Perhaps not allow screen updates or updates beyond a certain distance, etc. And...we need to be able to set emergency (fixed) alternate landing points in our AO that are semi-permanent (persist thru power cycles, across flights, applicable to all of your drone models, etc...based on a timetables).
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GPS spoofing can happen and homepoint changed beyond your control but it seems @Meta4 has ruled this out
Sorry to say, GPS spoofing will not be like this. You are mistaken between GPS spoofing and hacking.

For GPS spoofing, the logic is to sending signal "impersonating" the real GPS signal to misguide your drone of its position.
E.g. if i want your stationary drone to fly toward north, I would keep telling it that it was heading south. In order to counter it, the drone would head north accordingly. The log will show that the drone is stationery but the tilting (yaw/pitch/roll) and motor speed would not agree to it. In real world, I assume it would be more complicated so more difficult to detect.

Yet, there are no such evidence in this case.

"Homepoint changed beyond your control" seems to indicate that someone/ somehow it was doing something in the controller without pilot's awardness. That would be remote hacking..... Not that it is not possible but highly difficult. Further, in order to prevent this, DJI seems to spend some effort in preventing it.

So if the OP think this is the case, I would suggest handing over the remote controller to DJI and let them do the forensic. Because, if there is such a security breach, no one will buy DJI again. They would pay you handsomely, millions if not dozens of millions to keep it from public. If DJI refuse, pay some expert to do it and then demand for compensation fro DJI (ha, sounds like blackmail)......this may be your way to get rich, real rich!
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Many people ask for dynamic home point updating based on the location of the controller. The reason is so you can ride a bike and have the drone follow you and if you disconnect or fail to realize the battery is low (because you remote is in your bag) or you drop your remote in the lake at your destination or while in a boat, the drone won't fly off back to home somewhere you're not at. Problem is, without good management, your drone might end up somewhere it shouldn't land and I guess DJI just isn't that interested just yet in dealing with it. Especially when the follow-me drone model is not the predominant use case.

So it seems manual update home point is the only available option but we need to quickly get AI involved that can question the pilot, make sense of some of the actions, and learn not to do things like land in middle of a lake. Perhaps not allow screen updates or updates beyond a certain distance, etc. And...we need to be able to set emergency (fixed) alternate landing points in our AO that are semi-permanent (persist thru power cycles, across flights, applicable to all of your drone models, etc...based on a timetables).
Agree with every word you say but not sure how it is related to the present case. Also not sure it would help.

The mini 4 pro can already determine the necessary battery level for return home. It is not perfect and 100%reliable but it would help novice pilot. In this case, it goes to the home point as and when expected. The problem is the home point was wrongly set. I don’t think AI can help.

Knowing the piece of equipment in details seems to be the inevitable way to go.
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Agree with every word you say but not sure how it is related to the present case. Also not sure it would help.

The mini 4 pro can already determine the necessary battery level for return home. It is not perfect and 100%reliable but it would help novice pilot. In this case, it goes to the home point as and when expected. The problem is the home point was wrongly set. I don’t think AI can help.

Knowing the piece of equipment in details seems to be the inevitable way to go.
If you manually set the home point far away in the middle of nowhere which is not anywhere near your controller and it in a location where isn't very accessible and you've never been there before, AI will be able to question that decision. I won't go into how it will question that decision and how it will respond from there. All I can say is if the user has never ever manually set a homepoint before, safeguards should be in place.

Also we need to deal with the double-press RTH issue.
Live and learn...I've had a replacement for about a month now and guess what, it's still in the box.
Smart move.....before you unbox it, read the user manual completely, then read it again. If you are unsure of certain features, do internet searches for articles or videos. You cannot be over educated when it comes to your drone.
I can't read logs, the other experts on this forum are here to help. But, sounds to me like you took off *before* the homepoint was established using GPS and when it finally triggered later on, you were over a swamp and that's where your homepoint was ultimately established. I dunno, just a guess. Stay on the ground and wait for your homepoint to be established before you takeoff to go flying. sorry you lost your drone.
Excellent answer!
Excellent answer!
No it isn't.
Guessing scenarios is pointless when the recorded flight data clearly shows exactly what happened.
The incident had nothing to do with not waiting for full GPS reception before launching.
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Thanks Meta, I didn’t know you could do it that way as well
If you have a mini 4k that's understandable because the manual does not have this information in it. It tells you that the home point can be updated in the safety menu but has no information on how to do it.
No it isn't.
Guessing scenarios is pointless when the recorded flight data clearly shows exactly what happened.
The incident had nothing to do with not waiting for full GPS reception before launching.
Is there information in the flight log that tells you what I did or is it process of elimination (since I didn't do the first two
There are three ways to change the homepoint in the app.

By tapping either of the options I highlighted as 1 or 2 here, you can update the HP to the current location of the drone or the controller.
This isn't what happened in this incident.

You could also (3) drag the homepoint on the screen map to another location.
This is what was done in this incident.
This isn't something that just happens randomly.
Is there information in the flight log that tells you what I did or is it process of elimination (since I didn't do the first two I must have done the third)?
Is there information in the flight log that tells you what I did or is it process of elimination (since I didn't do the first two I must have done the third)?
At 1:00.7 into your flight, with the drone hovering at only a few feet from where you launched, the drone's location was 35.27219 -79.36983.

0.1 second later at 1:00.8 your drone's homepoint changed to 35.27637 -79.37083 which was 1552 feet to the north of where you were flying.
The flight data recorded this and noted it as Home Point updated!RH;& (Code: 123200)

The only way that this could happen would be for you to have dragged the homepoint on the map.
It cannot happen any other way.

Recorded homepoints are securely stored in the drone's memory so the drone can return to home in a failsafe RTH situation.
They don't just change and if they did, we'd have seen this in the 10 years that I've been analysing DJI recorded flight data.
The only way that homepoints can be changed is for the operator to reset the homepoint.
It doesn't just randomly change and isn't affected by malicious hackers changing it for you.
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DJI's analysis is correct but unfortunately DJI aren't very good at explaining things
The flight data shows a sad tale of you fumbling around, changing the homepoint without being aware you had.
There were a number of things you could have done to have saved your drone and had an uneventful flight.

Your drone will automatically record a home point when it gets good GPS location data.
Very early in a flight, when GPS reception is being refined, it's common to see the homepoint update automatically as yours did at 1.8 seconds.
This resulted in an preliminary approximate HP being replaced by an accurate HP.
The preliminary HP was 20 ft from the actual homepoint.

Six seconds into your flight, there is another home point change.
But this shows a different message in the data: Home Point updated!0 (Code: 123200).
This is not an automatic update.
It's a manual change to the homepoint which was done through the app.
In this case there was no change as the new HP was the same as the previous HP.

At 1:0.8 there is another manual change to the homepoint which resulted in setting a new homepoint 1550 ft north of where you were flying.

This should have been obvious on screen with the distance indicating the drone was now 1550 feet from the new home point.

27 seconds later, with the drone only about 30 feet away, you initiated RTH and were surprised to see the drone climb to RTH height and fly 1585 ft towards the homepoint which had been reset.
You could have cancelled the RTH and manually flown the drone back at any time, but didn't.
You could have corrected the new homepoint you had set, but didn't.
Hi Meta4...I reviewed a dozen of my flight logs this morning and every onesets a home point at around 2 seconds and then another at 6.0 seconds...I'm pretty sure I could not have manually updated my home position at exactly 6 seconds. What's with that?
Hi Meta4...I reviewed a dozen of my flight logs this morning and every onesets a home point at around 2 seconds and then another at 6.0 seconds...I'm pretty sure I could not have manually updated my home position at exactly 6 seconds. What's with that?
I can't comment without seeing the data to tell what actually happened.
Perhaps it's completely normal as I explained back in post #5
Your drone will automatically record a home point when it gets good GPS location data.​
Very early in a flight, when GPS reception is being refined, it's common to see the homepoint update automatically as yours did at 1.8 seconds.​
This resulted in a preliminary approximate HP being replaced by an accurate HP.​
But there's a big difference between refining and updating the homepoint and resetting the homepoint to somewhere altogether different.​
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Six seconds into your flight, there is another home point change.
But this shows a different message in the data: Home Point updated!0 (Code: 123200).
This is not an automatic update.
It's a manual change to the homepoint which was done through the app.
Here is an example. All logs are the same, a second Home Point Updated (Code;123200) at 6.0 seconds. Is this normal? because you said it was due to "a manual change to the homepoint which was done through the app"


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