Hi Maria,
Lets have some more info. You think it's a driver issue, but what makes you think that?
Talk us through what is actually happening and try explain it step by step as we can only go on the info you tell us. What's not important to you in the process could be a vital detail.
Is the Mavic detected at all by the DJI Assistant 2 app? If not, what do you see on the screen? Is the Mavic turned on when you do this? The Mavic needs to have over 50% battery before it will perform the update which can take up to 10 mins.
Also, do you have an anti-virus installed like Bit-Defender? If so, disable it and restart the whole process (close down the app, remove the cable and start from scratch again) My anti-virus (Bit-Defender) blocked some communications with the
Mavic 2 when using the data cable.
And lastly..
Is your Mac OS up to date?
And, as far as I'm aware you can update the firmware over the DJI Go 4 app too. I appreciate you want to use Assistant and do it that way but if stuck, over the app, might help. Please, anyone, correct me if I'm wrong about that.
I'm a drone newb so all this is pretty new to me although I have some tech experience.
Hope that helps