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rc2 updating

Did you not watch it ?! His controller freezes / goes blank at some point during the update, and then no amount of restarts or special key combinations to start it appear to bring it back to life. He tries different stuff for nearly an hour, STILL gets nowhere, and ends the video saying the only thing he can do is just leave it on, powered from mains and hope it does something other than white screen 'eventually'. As of end of video he has a bricked controller and no way to fly that machine. Which bit of that would you say has gone well ?! :)

And for that reason, until he solves his problems I won't be installing that update ! Fortunately it hasn't tried to make me do it yet although of course it is showing as available. And yet I know of at least 10 people who have had zero problems, and the ones it does work for seem very happy and apparently it does solve the hyperlapse and waypoint bugs that were in the previous version (that I also didn't have, and therefore didn't suffer from !).

It really does seem that the only thing I am missing from the versions the m4p shipped with is the vision assist camera views, which I would hardly ever use, and the ability to turn off downward sensors for hand landing. That feature I would like, but not at the expense of a bricked craft or controller !
Now I understand completely. Thank you. It seems like they are torturing the users :) I have an Autel nano plus drone. You can copy whatever firmware you want to install on the drone to the memory card and update it in 5 minutes. The firmware size is around 250 MB anyway.
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Did you not watch it ?! His controller freezes / goes blank at some point during the update,
I suspect many people will see that it is a 49 minute video and go "forget it".
You should perhaps provide the relevant time stamps.
Aside from that, there are no subtitles for that video and some folks might need to read what is said rather than hear what is said.
Elsewhere I provided a link to a 5 minute video concerning something else and said skip the first x seconds which were irrelevant.
I suspect many people will see that it is a 49 minute video and go "forget it".
You should perhaps provide the relevant time stamps.
Aside from that, there are no subtitles for that video and some folks might need to read what is said rather than hear what is said.
Elsewhere I provided a link to a 5 minute video concerning something else and said skip the first x seconds which were irrelevant.
Normally I would, but here the problem starts right at the top, and continues all the way to the end ! You can't timecode that ! I literally wanted to show how much time it took someone with a decade+ of drone XP behind them to try an update, and to show he was still failing to get anywhere nearly an hour later ! At no point in that time does he have any clue what's going on. with that update - has it failed ?, is it still going ?, how long should he wait ?

My point being that I don't know the answer to any of those questions either, so I would feel like an idiot to start my own update and stand a chance of bricking my machine until I know what he can do about his !

If the answer turns out to be 'DJI assistant' based, as I suspect it might have to be, then I will be wanting to see how he gets on with that approach too before trying it myself !

Of course I do accept that there is every chance mine will just work, in which case I'll still feel like an idiot, just for being so paranoid about it in the first place ! But anyway, thank you all for humouring me, and offering your opinions and thoughts about what could go wrong, the chances of it doing so, and hopefully what we can do about it afterwards !
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Well, since the vast majority are having no problem with the update, if it were me I'd go ahead, and then have it replaced by DJI in the unlikely event your one of the few that get bricked.

As new as the M4P is, there are likely quite a few more updates in the future, perhaps adding more features and fixing bugs, and it'll get more difficult to avoid updating.

Also, you're still under warranty, I believe. Getting a no-charge replacement after that gets harder, and your armchair lawyering skills have to get better arguing with DJI.
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