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Regulus Cyber Launches Ring.

The reason for The Droning Company posting this link to an article from Regulus about how drone threats are dealt with are three-fold.

Firstly, it's not all hearts & flowers out there. Sure, we could only feature articles like "Drone finds lost dog" or "Drone locates child in burning building" but that's not the reality of the world that we live in. Drones, just like motor vehicles or firearms can be used for both good and bad and dealing with situations where a drone becomes a threat is a reality we all have to face. Every-time that a drone is used in a negative way it hurts us all and the industry in general. It's no use burying our heads in the sand and say "Well, I don't want to hear anything bad about drones".

Secondly, I personally take the time to call each and every pilot that signs up with The Droning Company to thank them for joining us, ask them how they found out about us and let them know how they can optimize their profile on our site to attract more potential clients. We generally get into a conversation on their experiences within the drone world and I find that a lot of our pilots are not just content to do roofing inspections or real estate shoots. They are taking courses in LIDAR, 3D Mapping and Thermal and are saving up their money to purchase enterprise drones that can handle the bigger payloads and moving into jobs where they can make $2,000.00 a day upwards. Learning how to counter drone threats is side industry that has grown from the explosion of the drone industry in general and has become a very rewarding career for many and in my opinion, there are no better candidates for some of these lucrative positions than experienced drone pilots, many of which are members of this forum. It's work for drone enthusiasts.

Thirdly and finally, it's news. I, and judging by our analytics, am not the only one who finds this incredibly fascinating. I don't know how many of you have actually watched the video that accompanies this article by Regulus but the technology that can spot a rouge drone, send it back where it came from, land it safely or crash it is incredible and in my humble opinion, is well worth knowing about.

Stuart Smith
The Droning Company.
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